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HF 99947970 A 
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I IA05582089 A 

^ Official Journal of the Society of Paper Money Collectors "1 

Vol. XLVII, No.4, Whole No. 256 f3> July/August 2008 

We Ye happy too, Katie! 

First time’s a charm 

Katie Holmes in Mad Money 



' 2006 



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• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri. 
Please visit our Web Site pcelaonline.cotn for dates and location. 

• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting. 

• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper 
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A. s Summer Seminar series. 

• Publishes several “How to Collect” booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability 
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site. 

• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. 


To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings 
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proudly display the PCDA emblem. 

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of all members, send your request to: 


Terry Coyle — Secretary 
RO. Box 246 • Lima, PA 19037 

( 610 ) 627-1212 

Or Visit Our Web Site At: 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


PAPER MONEY (USPS 00-3162) is published every 
other month beginnir>g in January by the Society ol 
Paper Money Collectors (SPMC). 92 Andover Road. 
Jackson. NJ 08527. Periodical postage is paid at 
Dover. DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes 
to Secretary Jamie Takes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 

® Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc.. 2008. All 
rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or 
part, without written permission, is prohibited. 

Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are 
available from the Secretary for $6 postpaid. Send 
changes of address, inquiries concerning non-delivery, 
and requests for additional copies of this issue to the 


Manuscripts not under consideration elsewhere and 
publications for review should be sent to the Editor. 
Accepted manuscripts will be published as soon as 
possible: however, publication in a specific issue can- 
not be guaranteed. Indude an SASE for acknowledg- 
ment. if desired. Opinions expressed by authors do not 
necessarily reflect those of the SPMC. 

Paper Money 

Official Bimonthly Publication of 
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. 

Vol. XLVIl, No. 4 Whole No. 256 July/August 2008 

ISSN 0031-1162 

FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379 
Visit the SPMC web site: 


MuSeum of American Finance opens at historic 48 Wall Street 243 

By Kristin Aguilera 

Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper only), 
double-spaced with at least 1-inch margins. The 
author's name, address and telephone number should 
appear on the first page. Authors should retain a copy 
for their records. Authors are encouraged to submit a 
copy on a MAC CD. identified with the name and ver- 
sion of software used. A double-spaced printout must 
accompany the CD. Authors may also transmit articles 
via e-mail to the Editor at the SPMC web site 
( Original illustrations are preferred 
but do not send items of value requiring Certified, 
Insured or Registered Mail. Write or e-mail ahead for 
special instructions. Scans should be grayscale or 
color at 300 dpi. Jpegs are preferred. 

Flashing green on the screen, reel star of Mad Money 250 

By Fred Reed 

WWII Operation Bernhard brought to Silver Screen 259 

Operation Bernhard Notes in Collection 260 

By Donn Pearlman 

Bank of Scotland £50 note nets “Bank Note of Year” laurels 263 

New Nex-Gen colorized $5 FRNs are unprecedented 264 

The Secet Revealed? 265 

By Raphael Ellenbogen 


• All advertising accepted on space available basis 
• Copy/correspondence should be sent to Editor 
• All advertising is payable in advance 
• Ads are accepted on a “Good Faith” basis 
• Terms are “Until Forbid" 

• Ads are Run of Press (ROP) 
unless accepted on premium contract basis 
• Limited premium space/rates available 

To keep rales at a minimum, all advertising must be 
prepaid according to the schedule below. In exceptional 
cases where special artwork or additional production is 
required, the advertiser will be notifled and billed 
accordingly. Rates are not commissionable; proofs are 
not supplied. 

Advertising Deadline: Subject to space availability 
copy must be received by the Editor no later than the 
first day of the month preceding the cover date of the 
issue (for example. Feb. 1 for the March/April issue). 
Camera-ready copy, or electronic ads in pdf format, or 
in Quark Express on a MAC CD with fonts supplied are 



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Requirements: Full page. 42 x 57 picas: half-page may 
be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single-column 
width. 20 picas. Except covers, page position may be 
requested, but not guaranteed. All screens should be 
150 line or 300 dpi. 

Advertising copy shatl be restricted to paper currency, 
allied numismatic material, publications, and related 
accessories. The SPMC does not guarantee advertise- 
ments. but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the 
right to reject objectionable material or edit copy. 

SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typo- 
graphical errors In ads. but agrees to repnnt that por- 
tion of an ad in which a typographical error occurs upon 
prompt notification. ❖ 

Mary C. Williamson, National Bank President 266 

By Karl Sanford Kabelac 

Silver Certificate Series of 1934A G-A $5 Mules 267 

By Jamie Yakes 

On This Date in Paper Money History 287, 289 

By Fred Reed 

More wheresgeorge? notes show up in change 273 

By Loren Gatch and Fred Reed 

The Paper Column: The Clements NB of Rutland, VT 274 

By Peter Huntoon 

True Story: one of my friends related this story to me recently 276 

By Bob Cochran 

Tennessee Merchant and Company Store Paper Scrip 298 

By Dennis Schafluetzel and Tom Carson 

The $100,000 Errand: Banking in 1941 Washington, D.C 301 

By R. Logan Talks 

The Art of Money - Money that IS ART 305 

Obsolete Paper Money of St. Joseph, Florida 313 

By Ron Benice 

Society News 

Information and Officers 242 

President’s Column 297 

By Benny Bolin 

Money Mart .297 

New Members 304 

Want Ads Work for You 304 

What’s on Steve’s Mind Today? 318 

By Steve Whitfield 

The Editor’s Notebook 318 


July/August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Society of Paper Money Collectors 

S( )C' I l.T\ Society of Paper Money 

1' \ PK R M( )X1’\’ (SPMC) was organized in 

C'( )l .l.K( T( )KS incorporated in 1964 as a 

non-profit organization under the laws 
of the District of Columbia. It is affili- 
ated with the American Numismatic 
Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis 
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the 
SPMC, including its bylaws and activities can be found on its Internet web 

MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of 
age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized 
numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should be 
sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable references. 

MEMBERSHIP— JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12 
to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be 

signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced- 
ed by the letter “j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary 
that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligi- 
ble to hold office or vote. 

DUES— Annual dues are $30. Members In Canada and Mexico should add $5 
to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life 
membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for 
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with 
issuing annual membership cards, but paid up members may obtain one 
from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope). 

Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines 
already issued in the year In which they join as available. Members who join 
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following 
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued In 
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall 
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary. ❖ 



PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd.. Allen, TX 75002 
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson. 115 Congress St.. Brooklyn. NY 

SECRETARY Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527 
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC 


Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St.. Brooklyn. NY 1 1201 
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd.. Allen, TX 75002 
Bob Cochran. P.O. Box 1085, Florissant. MO 63031 
Gene Messier, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231 
Matt Janzen, 3601 Page Drive Apt. 1. Plover. Wl 54467 
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006 
Tom Minerley. 25 Holland Ave #001, Albany. NY 12209-1735 
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114 
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas. TX 75379-3941 
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505 
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211. Greenwood, IN 46142 
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203. Jackson, NJ 08527 


PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III. P.O. Box 793941, Dallas. 
TX 75379-3941 

CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Messier, P.O. Box 31144, 
Cincinnati, OH 45231 

ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211. 
Greenwood, IN 46142 

LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex, 

CT 06426 

LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197, 
Chattanooga. TN 37405 

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060, 
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060 

PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald. MO 

Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 

24056. Winston-Salem. NC 27114 

CSA and Obsolete Notes 
CSA Bonds, Stocks & 
Financial Items 



Auction Representation 
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SCNA P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071 

PCDA CHARTER MBR pH; (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


T he museum of amerk:an financ:e, an 

iiffiliiitc of the Smirhsoni^in Institution, rc()[)enetl to the 
public in its new home ut 48 WM Street on Jnnunrv 1 1, 
2008. Locaieil in the histciric rorincr heatl quarters of the 
Bank of New York, the .Museum occupies 30,0t}() square I’eei of 
space ant! features a majestic banking; halh stare-oi~the-ail Financial 
education center, aiulitorium, tfhrary and research lacility. 

FnrmerK located in modest space at 26 hruatb\'ay, the 
.Museum signed a 2()-year lease on its much larger home on W all 
Street in late 2005. Since then, it has been renovating and restoring 
the laiidmarked space^ as well as creating engaging and interactive 
permanent exhibitions on the snhiects ol^ the Mnancial markets, 
money, banking, entrepreneurship and Ale.xander Hamilton, '['he 
Museum’s new space also includes galleries for changing exhibits 

and a theater, 

Accortling to President/CiiEO Lee K]elleren, the move to 
48 Wall Street will enable the Museum to expand its reach signify 
candvT giving New Yorkers, as well as national and international vis- 
itors, an increased awareness to make more eftecriv e hnancial deci- 

^'As the onlv public and intlependeni museum of luiaiice, 
we are ]>roud to he a guardian of America’s collective financial 
mentory, while also serving as an interpreter oi currenE: liivancial 
issues,” Kjelleren said. e h)ok forward to taking our place 
among the jnajor destinations rjn W^ill Street,” 

Vinlaj^e stock ticker that recorded ups and downs of past 


July/August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Displays at the newly opened, reno- 
vated Museum of American Fmancc, 
48 Wall Street, New York City, invite 
viewer interaction- 

Ten shares of Capital Stock in The 
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd,, 
signed by company president Henry 
Ford, 1908. 

Located one 1)1 ock east of the New York Stock Excliiinge, the Museum 
is the Exchange's de racin visitors center, 

‘‘NYSE- Euronext is proud oF our partnership with the Museum of 
American Financed* s<iicl Duncan Iv, Niedenuier, CEO, N\"SE Euronext. ''The 
Museum is well suite{:l to reside in New York and on Wall Street, and gives the 
public an opportunity to learn more about our capita] markets and NYSE 
Euronext, I'his is especially important given the ever changing and rapidly 
growing global linancial marketplace.” 

Dr. Richard Sylla and LTr, Robert Wright, both linancial historians, 
authors and professors at the NYT^ Stem School of Business, are the primary' 
curators of the permanent exhibits. Designed b\' the renowned New York exhi- 
bition tlesign fij in C&G Partners, the exliibits were built and installed by the 
a wa r d - inning fa l.> r i ca ti o n fl n 1 1 M a 1 1! j ie . 

1 Tigh lights from the Museum’s exhibitions include: 

• High denomination U.S* currency including the 
$500, $1,000, S5,000 and $10,000 notes 

• 6 0 1 b . gf d d i iTgo t fro in t h e SS Cai n af A ma ica 
shipwreck, 1857 

• Fugio cent, the first C^ongressional coin author- 
ized, 1787 

• Augustus Saint Gaudens $20 coin, 1907 

• Coins from the FJ Caz{uhf\ a recently recovered 
Spanish ti easure ship that sank off the coast of 
New Orleans in 1789 

• 'Freasury bond issued to and signed by President 
George Whishington bearing the first use of a 
dollar sign on a federal document, 1792 

• Letter for [>urchasing stock in the South Sea 
Company signed by Isaac Newton, 1720 

• Ticker tape fi'ojn the "Great Crash” dated 
Octoher29, 1929 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


• Ford Motor Conip;iny stock cerrificiite signed by 
Heim- Ford, 190H 

• Experimental protorvpe oFa telegraph machine From I'homas 
Edison’s lab 

• Segment oF IK5S Trans-Atlantic cable 

• I lundreds oF photographs and illustrations From American history, 
dozens of which are shown at a very large scale 

• Original media and in ter actives: Zoom in on a bill, stock and bond; 
“Teaching Ticker^' explaining bow to read an electronic ticker, and 
what the svmbols and nuinhers mean; behind-the-scenes video tours 
oF the New York Stock F.xchange and the New York .Mercantile 
Ex'change; and interactive interviews v\ ith lb emrepreneiirs. 

The Museum oF American Finance is the nation’s only public muse- 
um dedicated to Finance, enti’cprcneurship and the Free open marker s\'stem. 
Wuth its extensive collection oF financial documents and objects, its seminars 

Museum of American Finance display 
saluting founding father and first 
Secretary of the U*S* Treasury 
Alexander Hamilton. 

Oldest extant DA, obligation with the 
sign, bond made out to/and signed 
by George Washington January 17^ 

and educational programming, its publication 
.Museum portr^iys the breadth and richness 
of American financial history, achievement 
anal practices. P'ounded in 198B by John 
Flerzog, the A1 use urn promotes a deeper 
understanding oF risk and reward, helping 
people to become more financially indepen- 

The Museum is open Tuesday - 
Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm. .Admission is S8 for 
adults; $5 For students/seniors; kids 6 and 
under Free. For information, call 212-908- 
41 1 0 or visit ^^ 

and orai histniy program, the 1792. 

KNOWN, :ru tk 

-t ^ . > . . ^ 

tUyaUt- emj pj^ fartJttnpitttn, ly ike f^ywltni^ 
■" / 1,^ ^ . .rpir^ iffitli k •tIHu/e it 

■'Ht ^ kf m pr ^ lo/ tkt 

v,f M. VXVffC* 

' ■ii' i 



July/August - Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Above: A large Ltberty Bond poster, 
and a Walt Disney-inspircd World 
War l] U,S. bond higblighl another 
MAF display. 

At right: Interactive ^'Because thafs 
where the money is'' display on the 
mezzanine level. 


Top: A dramatic display of Stock 
Exchange memorabilia and tech- 

Center: ticker tape from the 
"Great Crash" dated October 29, 

Bolton: a 60 lb, gold ingot from 
the SS Central America shipwreck, 

Paper Money * July/August • Whole No. 256 



Jujy/August * Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Paper Money * July/August ■ Whole No. 256 


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July/August - Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

F inancial \aish fulfilLxMent for some is 

having enough cash to pay the rent, buy food and gas, and 
buy the Iniby’s diapers. For many others, however, having 
enough dough to throw around at will will better fill die 
hill. Money madness of the latter kind takes a suburban housewife 
and her unlikely cohorts on a green goods scheme in Mm! Money, 
which opened in theaters nationwide earlier this year. 

M/nl Money opened in wide release 
and eventually turned in a domestic 
gross o( S20+ niillinn. It is now on 
DV"D. This buddy heist flick teamed 
three Hollywood actress of v'arying 
acclaim -- Diane Keaton, Queen 
Latifah, and Katie Holmes — in a come- 
dy caper in which they rip oH the 
Kansas Ciw Federal Resen e Bank. 

Such shenanigans should he of 
interest to Pffper ^^only readers, who 
may have missed my abridged Film 
review which appeared contemporane- 
oLisIy in Coin IVorhl. Many readers of 
this magazine likely also collect the 
Kansas Ciw Fed bank’s bills. 

MTiile the actresses only lit up the 
silver screen to somewhat tepid reviews, 
the cash flashing green all over the mul- 
tiplex screens is the reel star of M nil 
Money, in this hobbyist’s view. It provid- 
ed me the opportunity to apply my 
mtjvie money sleuthing skills honed in 
the preparation ot my Show Me the 
Money/ The StaminnI Cntniog of Motion 
Pictnre, Television ^ Stage and Adve77ishjg 
Pt -op Money ( A I cFa I'l a n d , 200 5 ) . 

Amid flashes of real Federal 
Reserve Notes shown prominently as 
‘Nlash” (a cinema technique to add real- 
ism in doseup shotKs), the characters 
spend the bulk of 103 -minute film steal- 
ing, secreting, counting, tossing bills in 
the air, hiding, spending, burning, and 

■* : 

Paper Money ■ July/August * Whole No. 256 


^ J does paper 
money better than 


• best reproduction 

• best audience 
best ratffi , . . 



July/August • Whole No. 256 ■ Paper Money 

slirecitling' countlessi $100, $50, $20, $10, $5 and $1 prop notes, which only emu- 
hue the real led era I paper. 

Prop nK)ney, however, as \ showed several years ago in luy awarding 
winning book can be quite appealing and collectible in its own right. Aly 800- 
page l)ook, which Pin proud lo say garnered the Nuinisinatic Literary Guild 
**Best \\ orldwitle Paper Money Book” of the year and also an SPAdC Award of 
A leri t, showed about 1,800 different %^arieties, as well as hundreds of cinema sit- 
uations which featured displays of cash. More than a thousand movies were sur- 
veyed. Prop iKJtc IDs on the pages facing, and following are from that volume. 

The film opens in an upper middle class household with Ted Danson’s 
character Don Cardigan (think comfortable sweater!) moping around from a 
year of nor llnding work alter being downsized from a well-paying gig. \Mth 
hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills, homebody Diane Keaton’s 
character Bridget (Cardigan decides to reenter the workplace and save the fatni- 

Aclors Tom and Mrs. Cruise (Mad 
Money co-star Katie Holmes) at the 
January 10^ 20Q3^ red carpet premiere 
of Overture Films' Mad Money. 

h ’s homestead. 

Finding her experience raising kids, making a home, and running a 
household for several decades nut vciy marketable, she accepts a low paying ian- 
itorial job at the Kiinsas Cit)' Federal Resen' e Bank because it “has benefits,” 

Bridget’s jol> takes her throughout the maximum securing banking fiicili- 
, ty, picking up trash, pushing a ma[i, and 

also observing other Fed employees count 
out and remove worn out notes, which are 
banded and shuttled in sccurit}' carts to 
the shredders for di.sposal. 

Franldy I can’t vouch if the proce- 
dures in this film lor dispensing with worn 
out currency? jibe Avith practices in the real 
world. An internet writer v\dth more sa\y 
than this author suggests these several faux 

(1 ) VVlien currency is destroyed at 
a Federal Reserve, it is carefully accounted 
for: serial number, denomination, and 
destroy date. 

(2) During cash processing, no 
employee at the Federal Reserve is 
al lowed to be left alone Avith the nioney. 

(3) In Federal Reserve cash pro- 
cessing facilities, multiple detiomi nations 
of money are never alloAA^ed to mingle. 

j _ (4) In order to keep unauthoiazed 

. m 1 items (weapons, cameras, etc.) out of 
I Federal Reserve buildings, all personnel 
^4 I are scanned before entering the building, 
I not on their way out. 

I Aly own field trips to the Fed 

m Avere brief. The last time 1 tried to enter 
m the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank several 
If years ago to purchase some of the then 
\ 2 newly released large portrait $5 FRNs for 

a Memphis Paper Money ShoAv E.xhilut, I 
was not received very^ hospitably nor given 
a grand tour, nor permitted to purchase 
any of the ncAv notes. Officials simply 
showed me the door. (Ironically, a avcH 
spent series unknown but NexGen 

] lj 

II til Itllllllllllllllll Ml lit Ml Ml MllllMI III 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


Co-star Katie Holmes flashes real 
Federal Reserve Notes in a screen 
closeup from Mad Money- Most 
scenes used prop notes like the ones 
displayed here, and cataloged in my 
2005 book^ Show Me the Money! 

$1 Reserve Note (Reed type RA20-1) 

Eighteen hundred varieties of prop money 
are cataloged in the author's 2005 book, 
which is available from the publisher at 
wwwancfar land, com and also on |.] All the note types 
illustrating this article were observed in 
scenes from Mad Money. 

$50 Cinema Reserve Note (Reed type RA80a-50) 



July/August ■ Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

k S50 prop note floats past Queen Lalifah^s currency thresher 

Keaton, Holmes and Lalrfah sort their ill-gotlen gam 

five spot iippears as u Bash note in one ot 
this Film’s scenes*) 

Writers of this film probably 
never s^ot the inside view of Fed opera- 
tions ei tiler* Mad Money was filmed in 
Shreveport, LA somewhat over the hori^ 
zon from the District 10 KC .Missomi Fed 
bank locale in which tnuch of the action 
supposedly takes place. Suffice it to say, 
that this film, like many of its predeces- 
sors, notably lVho\^ M/j?dnig the Mlntf^ 
chinks that the United States Mint sup- 
plies new paper money to the Fed to 
replace the old warn out notes dispatched 
to the shredder* (A realistic Federal 
Reserve angle was handled nuich better in 
Leo D i C a p p r i o’ s Catch ^ le if 1 o a Can * ) 

In due course, however, jaiiitoress 
Bridget recruits Holmes’ character Jackie 
Truman (think, Missouri’s favorite son 
Harry “The buck stops here” Truman, 
this is the KC district after all) who j>ushes 
carts of notes banded for destruction from 
floor to floor, and Latifah’s character Nina 
Brewster (think Richard Pryor’s Breirsrrr^' 
MiJiiom)^ whose job consists of opening up 
the securiw cash carts, pulling our straps 
of discartled notes and feeding the bundles 
into a green threshing machine* 

Here, the felony plan is simple 
and direct. Bridget supplies a duplicate 
cart lock and key. Cart pusher Holmes 
opens the cart and slips out ljundles of 
boodle uhich she stashes into a trash 
receptacle. These misdirected notes are 
gathered up by janitoress Bridget in black 
plastic utility^ Holmes tlicji pushes 

said cart, minus the [filfercd loot, to 
La ti fall’s securiw location at which point 
Nina unlocks the false lock, empties the 
cart contents into her shredder, and sub- 
stitutes the real lock to cover up their 

.All this is done, mind you, in full 
view of myriad securin' cameras, who sur- 
veil “ever) body, everywhere, all the time,” 
in the words of a clueless Fed Bank securi- 
ty liberofflciaL 

The trio subsequently meets in a 
rest room, ditwies up the plunder, stuffs 
the bundles of notes in their undergar- 
ments, and then coolly walk our past secu- 
rity guards at the end of their shift* 
Thereafter they count, reconcile, and 
share their ill-gotten loot in a giggh' fest 
in a bedroom of Bridget’s upscale home 

Paper Money • Ju!y/August ■ Whole No. 256 


fo 1 1 Q\\ i n g til e 1 r w ork sli i h. 

Gvilp^Is Bridget, Nina, 
and Jackie are not really stealing 
the money* just recycling it one 
more time -- the ethically-chal- 
lenged characters decide 
bei’ore the notes are finally put 
down lor their final count. The 
gals’ “victimless” crime spree 
continues unabated for three 
years, involving hubbies, boy 
friends, and finally an amorous 
securit)^ guard who wises up to 
their ploy. However, nobody 
else in bank securitv^ catches on 
until a revenuer starts checking 
into the women’s im re ported 
riches For income tax purposes. 

Mffcl MofU'y opened 
JanuaiT 18th to a modest $9.2 
million weekend, or roughly the 
amount of green stuff the KC 
branch eviscerates in a heart 
beat. None of the actors will 
win Hollyivood gold either. 
This chick caper has little of the 
panache which marked Tlw/ma 
Louise, for wliich Ahd Money 
director Chiilie Khoiiri ivon a 
passe I of screen writing laurels 
including an Oscar and a 
Golden Globe. 

h i ca g{) fi 1 m critic 
Roger Ebert pointed out that 
Mml Monty is acaially a remake 
of a 2001 British film Ifot 
Money, in which another mop 
slinger named Bridget teams 
with another associate Jackie 
and a Liz to steal British pounds 
bound for the Bank of England’s 
incinerators. Stuffing dirty old 
money in one’s knickers must be 
the rage. That crew also smug^ 
gled their liberated, reborn cur- 
rency out in their underwear. 

Ebert gives this 
Moll y w o D d a d a p ta t i o n Mn d 
Monty a Feeble star and a halfi disparages its writ- 
ing, acting, and charactenzation. 
The Vi Huge Voice says its worth a 
few bucks. Reel Talk’s Diana 
Saenger says it has substance, 
and calls it “a modern zany 
caper with entertaining perfor- 

$50 Federal Reserve Note (Reed type RA05-50) 

$50 Motion Picture Money (Reed type RA90-50) 

$100 For Motion Picture Use Only (Reed type RA80b-IOO) 


July/August " Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Tli0 c3rGfr0c felons rejoice in their niiincos. isti^tnity ’T'oduy luicis iioiihlin^ tht. IiIlIc of rc-inorsc o\ci 

score in suburban housewife Keaton's ^^tei^ling , , , [tor which] greed seems lo win the day. 

For this view er, M^hI Mo/ilj is a mixed bag. It is neither as tightly dnnvn 
nor as socially relevant as Dead Pn\ddcjm\ the 1995 riiighes Brothers' actioner 
that also involved heist of retired currency but that time fi om a Fed armored car. 
In that film the gang ul Larenz Tare, Keith David, Chris I ucker and Freddy 
Rodriguez provide better acting rums than Keaton, Latilah, Holmes and Danson 
muster. Besides, the I lughes' film has a moraL 

Mad Money is light-weight Fed bank thievery compared m the tension 
prov oked between firuce Willis' John McCIane and Jeremy li ons' Simon Gruber 
during the gold robbery (d the New’ York Fed district bank in Die Hard lelfh a 
I V/ 7 gtY^//i’r. Now til ere was a Federal Resenx* knockoff worth its celluloid. 

d'he current film also lacks the slapstick zaniness of the aforementioned 
ilFnamed IVhfds Minding the Mhnf (Columbia Pictures, 1967), and the genuine 
humor provided by ripoff artists Milton Berle, Joey Bishop, Bob Denv^er, Jim 
1 lutton, Dorothy Pixjvine and company, who infiltrate the “Aliiit" and run off 
iiatches of notes for themselves. 

On paper, however, this film does have its virtues in its three singular 
lead talents, Diane Keaton has been a personal favorite since her Oscar days in 
Annie 11 nil with VVootly Allen thirU'-plus years ago. Airs. "Foni Cruise was a 
delightful guilty pleasure for six seasons as Joey Potter on TA" until she opted for 
Pacey instead of Dawson, But Kate Noeile Holmes (Cruise) tlid become an adult 
star too on the big screen by holding her ow n in a grim’ performance in The Gift, 
opposite Oscar winners Kate Blanchett and FTilary Swank. The Queen has 

Paper Money - July/Augusl - Whole No. 256 

proven Osair-worthy also in the musical 
Cbh^/tgo, and had heist experience in Set h 
Off. But she and her co stars are cast adrift 
in a too small boat this time out. 

For this \newerj the money orgies 
are the most appealing sequences in Mad 
Money. After their first heist, Bridget, 
Nina and Jackie literally roll in the dough 
on Bridget's suburban bed. d'he gals' 
boudoir revel in their illicit gain is mildly 
reminiscent of Steve McQueen and All 
McGraw ogling their ill gotten gain bed- 
side in The Getairay, or Jim Brown and 
Diahann Carroll on their bed of stolen 
loot in The Split. AJl pale, however, to 
the money bed scene of John Phillip Law 
and Alarisa Alell in Dnnger Dhiholik. 

Cascades of stolen screen cash 
have been a staple of film tare for years, 
and Mad Money does offer some good 
ones. The best is the showy profusion of 
falling cash sent slanvard which appears 
on Mad Money's movie poster. BriLlget, 

A barrel lopped willi prop notes, saved back from destruction, 
appears in the film's classic money orgy final scenes 
while we can bet that it's prop notes that Lafifah is torching below 


July/ August • Whole No, 256 • Paper Money 

Niuii and Jackie toss the loot gleetiilly into the 
air* This scene harkens back to Barbara 
Streisand's Fannie Brice, who tosses cash and 
cares to the wind in Finrny LWy, the sequel to 
her Fifnny GVrA 

Still other films hav^e regaled us with the 
snows of stolen money more vigorously. I he 
great scene with Peter Falk, Paul Sorvino and 
ere w i n T he Brin ks Job s pri n gs to m i n tl . S ce vq n 
Gutcenberg literally swain in a sea ot currency 
inside the U.S. Treasury Building in The Man 
li To IVifsn V There- M usi dan Phil Co 1 1 1 ii s an d his 
gang wafted through piles and piles of stolen 
hoodie in Buster. But for sheer mayhem arising 
from the profusion of purloined money, the 
Kevin Costner / Kurt Russell 3000 Mi/es to 
Graceinfhl heist tops my list. 

Still in Mnei Money the camera catches delightful 
sequences of currency tainalizingly dancing in and out of focus in 
mitl-air. If you missed the film in its theatrical release, it might 
he worth your while to catch it now on which was released 

ill Alay, 

You won't find the hTical effusion of cash shown in Val 
Kilmer's Snltoj? Sen, hut sharp-eyed hobbyists with a quick eye 
and u modicum of knowledge can catch glimpses of some of the 
newer styles of movie money prop notes that fill Hollywood's 
coffers. Props are used for the obvious securing and financial 
concerns in place of real money in most film scenes. 

Prop master for the film was Scott Reeder, a veteran of 
n e a r ly 200 e p ist)d es of Dali as -has ed Wa/kcT, T exns Rtfnge/\ w' b e re 
he offered up pallets-ftill of prop drug money* Here he pi ovides 
a splendid array ot these numismatic gems, I spotted quite a 
nuinlier of different notes cataloged in my hook. From the 
e.xamples shown here, the reader can judge how realistic these 
stand ins are tor the real deal when projected upon the tar wall at 
24 frames per second. 

Notes similar to these hills caught my eye in M/nl Money: 

$1 Reseive Note (Reed ttq^e RA20-1) 

$5 For Motion Picture Use Only (Reed t)pe RA8{}b-5) 

S50 Cinema Resen^e Note (Reed npe R.A80a-50) 

S50 Federal Resen^e Note (Reed t\pe RA85-50) 

$50 Motion Picture Money (Reed npe R.A90-50) 

$100 For Motion Picture Use Only (Reed npe R.A801>100) 
$100 Federal Resen^e Not [sie] (Reed ppe RA85-10()) 

There were doubtless other types of notes, which 1 did- 
n't pick up on while munching my popcorn. But hunting for 
them was a blast. With the film now out in DAT), slow and stop 
motion could doubtless turn up additional varieties. 

VVIi ether these money angles or die semi-numismatic, 
comedic glimpses invoiving the Fed in MW Money win over the 
viewer or not, he/she should stay sharp for the numismatic fire- 
w()rks at the film's end. 

file money montage end credits, which parses Federal 
Reseiwe Note designs in kaleidoscopic colors, is a visual delight 
dancing a giant screen. WTiatever one's feelings are about 
the previous 100 minutes, this film ends on high NOTES. ❖ 

Keaton's husband, played by Ted Danson, altempts lo 
get rid of the damning stolen loot by shredding and 
flushing evidence of the gals' ill-goflen gain. 

Male pals Roger Cross (above) and Adam Rothenherg 
(below) play subsidiary roles to the heroines' comedic 
adventures in Mad Money. 

Paper Money * July/August ■ Whole No, 256 



to center stage on the silver screen. The acclaimetl. Oscar-winning foreign language 
movie Die Falscher {The Comiteifcitvn) tlrainatizes the Nazi Operation Bernhard to fake 
British pounds during World War IL (See related stoty following on page 260 .) 

Pdpcr Momy enjoyed the him a good deni. But was confused hv tlie purported proof sheets of U.S. C-note 
flees (shown being examined alK)\'c with an overly large C-note b-ack tlcsign), on which the note impressions \eere 
widely distributed across the sheet, so we called upfui World War II niiinismatic e.xpert, SPAK!] mem her Joe Bcding 
to critique the film, joe is co-author (with Fred Sebwan) of the massive, 860-fiage IVorld JlWr !rRL 7 iH^//d>iTed: ^ 

in your a fumtisniiitk study (BXR Press, 1995) which is currently under revision. 

'‘Tr is not really about the counterfeiting operation^’ Boling noted, *"biit about the relarionships between the 
prisoners and their jailers, and among the pris{jners themselves. I'he side story about the prisoners wanting to delay 
the completion ol the SI 00 notes in order to prevent the Ciermans from obtaining the foreign exchange that they 

v'ouid represent is nor cirawn from life, as far as I know. As for the technical 
side* 1 saw Uvo obvious errors (and will 
no doubt hnd more wlien I can view the 
him on DAT)). The s)>acing of the Si 00 
notes on each sheet was wav too wide. 

Banknote paper would have been pre- 
cious, and the very wide gutters shown 
on the proof sheets was com pie tel v 
incorrect. In addition, the Federal 
\ Reserve district seal.s on the notes shown 
were incorrect — they had teeth, and 
teeth were not introduced on those seals 
until the Series of 1950. Unri! then the 
s ea 1 s \v e re ro u i ui w i i h o u r t e e t li , and ! a rg- 
er than w ere shown on the sheets in the 
movie. Whoever the technical advisor 
was cm currency, he did not do the film 
any favors,” he added. ❖ 


July/ August * Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

y^vTvTlA yf Great Britain "WWII German Counterfeit 

Pick# 33eB 1934-43 "OPERATION BERNHARD" 10 Pounds 

fAMR MONEY GUARAm S/N K/ITl 397^8 Sachsenhauscn Camp By Jewish inmates 


Operation Bernhard Notes in Collection 

By Bonn Pearlman 


England note, issue-dated July 18, of pieces of World War II era mail, documents, and counterfeit money 

1936 / % related to the Nazis’ attempted extermination of Jews and others has 

acquired from a private collector by an Illinois charitable founda- 
tion. The foundation will preserv^e and offer the extraordinary items for public 
use at Flolocaiist and genocide educational venues aroimd the world, and has set 
up a web site for the historic artifacts (wrvnv* 

Numismatically most important to readers of Paper Money are the 
“Operation Bernhard'’ Nazi fakes of British pound notes in the collection. 

“The insured value of the collection is $1 million, but the educational 
value to future generations is incalculable,” said Daniel Spungen, a member of 
the board of the Northbrook, Illinois-based Florence and Laurence Spungen 
Family Foundation. 

Including recent additions contributed by Spungen, the collection now 
contains a dozen examples of the 5,- 10-, 20- and 50- pound counterfeit Bank of 
England notes created by slave laborers during ^'Operation Bernhard,” the Nazis’ 
failed plot to undermine England’s economy and the subject of the recent motion 
picture, The Counteffeiters {see related story on page 259). These notes have 
been certified by Paper Money Guaranty (PMG). 

Between 1942 and 1945, inmates at the Sachsenhausen concentration 
camp in Germany produced nearly nine million fake bank notes. iVlany of the 
notes made during “Operation Bernhard” subsequently were used by the Nazis 
CO pay unsuspecting merchants, foreign agents and spies. 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 




Operalion Bernhard £50 Bank of 
England note, issue-dated )une 15, 

Operation Bernhard £5 Bank of 
England note, issue-dated Oct. 29, 

“One of the most heartbreaking artifacts and historical evidence of Nazi 
desecration is a torn fragment of a hand-written Hebrew parchment from a Bible 
scroll {Tanakh)^^ Spungen said. “A German soldier used the holy scripture to 
wrap a parcel he mailed from Russia to Austria in 1942.” 

“The sacred parchment was pillaged from a Russian synagogue. 
Ironically, the portion that was used as wrapping paper has passages from the 
first book of Samuel about the story of David and Goliath,” explained Spungen. 

The postal artifacts are evidence of the torments, ravages and terror of 
war and genocide in Europe from 1933 to 1945. They also show that many pris- 
oners never lost hope, and the human spirit sumved. 

“We will be giving educational institutions and museums around the 
world the opportunity to use the exhibit materials for displays, lectures and 
research,” said Florence Spungen, Founder of the Foundation. “This is a perma- 
nent educational tool for all generations to document this important period of 
time that cannot be forgotten.” 

The Holocaust exhibit was acquired intact from noted researcher, writer 
and collector, Ken Lawrence, of Bellefonte, PA a native Chicagoan and a former 
\ace President of the American Philatelic Society. Lawrence began assembling 
this materia! in 1978. The Spungen Foundation no%v will be the guardian of the 
more than 250 envelopes, post cards, letters, specially-designated postage stamps 
used exclusively by concentration camp inmates, Jewish ghetto residents and 
prisoners of war, and, of course, the counterfeit money. 


July/ August * Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Operation Bernhard £10 Bank of 
Engfcincl note, issue-dated April 16, 



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‘/uY C^45^?>vv : 

Frequently exhil>icetl by Lawrence, the philatelic items won awards at 
stamp shows including a 2006 international exhihition in Washington, DC. 

“ The scroll page that was used for mailing a parcel is the most viscerally 
disturbing item. Some scholars have toKl me it is among the most important sur^ 
viving evidence of Nazi desecration 2’ said Lawrence, 

“(Chronic, flagrant desecration exemplified by violating that sacred scrip- 
ture imhued the cultured Gen nan nation and historically honor- bound German 
army with an inhuman attimde ttnvard jews that made the 1 lolocaust l)Oth possi- 
ble, and gi^■en the opporiiinin', inevi tabled' he said. 

Some <il the ghetto and concentration camp letters have ccKied or hidden 
messages about the plight of the senders. Research about the postal materials has 
led to discovery of a previously un re ported undercover address in Lisbon, 
Portugal, used by Jewish resistance fighters, and the location of two camps in 
Romania for slave laborers and political detainees. 

In addition to the Bi[>!e scroll fi'agment used for wrapping a package, the 
collection includes such significant philatelic material as: 

• Rare exam[)Ies of mail scjxt to prisoners and mail sent hem een inmates at 
different camps; 

• \ card sent by an inmate at Dachau soon alter it opened in 1933, which 
is the earliest knowai prisoner mail from an)' Nazi concentration camp; 

• An October 3, 1943, letter to his parents in Rzeszow, Poland, From 
Eduard Pys, a 21 -year-old who arrived on the first transport at the 
Auschw itz concentration camp in May, 1940; 

• The only knowm surxaving []icce of mail sent by Rabbi Leo Baeck, the 
leader ofCierman JewTV (Reiehsvertretimg der Deutschen Juden), w hile 
lie was confined to the Theresienstadt ghetto; 

• A postal checking account receipt imprinted with a crude anti-Semitic 
caricature denoting payment for a subscription to a Nazi propaganda 
news pa per, Dur Stiniirr; 

• Mail secretly carried by children through the sewers of Warsaw during 
the 1 944 uju’ising; 

• Mail clandestinely carried from Nazi -occupied Poland to the exhibit 
Polish Navy headquarters in London and to a Jew ish resistance leader in 
Sw itzerland; 

The Florence and Laurence Spungen Family Foundation was established 
in 2006 to support cliantal>Ie and educational causes. The organization's w ebsite 
is WW W. [.] <* 

Paper Money ' July/August * Whole No. 256 


- m 

Bank of Scotland £50 note nets “Bank Note of Year” laurels 

(TBNS) aniiouncetl recently that the Bank of Scotia iitrs 
50-pound note has been awarded the Societ)N “Bank Note of 
the Year” for a hank note issued in 2007. 

In an April ceremony in the Bank's Edinliurgh Mead 
Office, representatives of the IBNS presented certificates and 
medals marking this award to Graeme Donald^ Mead of 
Industry and Products, Payment Sen ices at 1 1 BOS pk\ the 
parent company of Bank of Scotland pic; and Stuart Rost, 
Banknote Designer at De La Rue Currenev (shown above), 
rhe IBN’S judges considered the 50-poii nd note to he a 
bold design and an outstanding representative ot the new 
series ot notes issued by the Bank of Scotland in September 
2007, Dominating the note is an ethereal portrait of Sir 
Ukdter Scott giving the note an intriguing ambienee consider- 
ing the range of traditional and modern features on the note. 

Raleigh has appeared on many notes issued by the Bank 
of Scotland, but this is the first representation of Scott based 
on the famous portrait by Sir I lemy Raeburn, painted in IH22, 
The innovative depiction of Scott 
is one aspect of the note that 
found favour with the judges. 

Blessed with generous pro- 
per tions^ the note is impressive to 
hold and uses the available space 
to excellent effect. The front of 
the note, designed around Scott’s 
portrait, incorp<i rates a range of 
security leatureSj the most evi- 
dent of which are a hologram on 
a toil patch and a wide micro- 
printed security thread with 
colour shifting effect (red to 
green). Tliese elements create a 
framework around which are 
images of the Bank's historic 
headquarters in Ed in burgh. Its 
coat of arms, the Bank of 

Scotland's logo ajid, very much subordinated to the dominat- 
ing |)ortrait ot Scott, the promissorv text. In contrast to this, 
the denomination numerals arc set out in dramatically hold 
tashifjn using a dean sim])ie font st>de. 

The hack of the note is if anything even more dramatic. 
It features one rif Scotland's most e.xciting conremporarv engi- 
neering and architectural achievements, the Falkirk A^lieel. 
d he minimal text, again in bold and simple style, sen es to 
enlianee the tirama of the central feature, to hugely impressive 

Gontrihudng to the judges’ decision was the comhinatimi 
t)f tradidonal skills and modern technolog)^ used by the note's 
tlesigners, De La Rue Currency — especially the fact that the 
pt)rtrait engraving was pnjduced usings computer generated 
|iattcrns and was not hand-engravcLl in tlte trariitiunal way. 

d’he 5fi-pound note was a dear w inner in this year’s com- 
petition, impressing the judges with its artistic and tecliiiical 
excellence, its unusual and innovative design and its superior 
produedon, the IBNS news release said, <* 

Face of the award-winning £50 pound banknote; back is shown above. 


July/August * Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 




Do we h^ive artotlier governmentiil Coul-up? 

Two (2) types of S5.0() FRNs with same Series # 2006, I believe this is incorrect. The latest bill should 
he 2006-A, 

— Sincerely, George IV. Taylor 

Series 2006 $5 Federal Rcser\^e Note 

Series 2006 $5 Federal Reseiwe Note 

New Nex-Gen colorized $5 FRNs are unprecedented 

Federal C^urrency, two notes of the same class and i.leiioni- 
inacion RUT DIFFERENT DESlCiNS have the same Series 
yean BO' FI I non-colori^.ed and cf)lorized Seines 2(K)6 $5 
Federal Rcsenre Notes have been produced, althtnigh the non- 
colorized Series 2006 FRNs were produced only as a collector 
issue for sale at a premium. All such notes liear “collector” 
serial numbers I l lNyXXXXXX, 

The first collector to cult Pitper Momys attention to this is 
member CJeorgc \^^ Taylor, wht) wrote the lull tor shortly 
after the new notes entered circulation (see above). 

Paper inonev expert Cfcne FI ess I cr, author of Pijv 

C()f?/pirba/iive Oftnhu; of U.S. P^iper Money, confirmed this 
unprecedeiitctl happenstance among: Series designations. 

'['hen Pnper Money asketl both the 13 EP and paper money 
authority Peter Fluntooii for their comments. 

"Yes, this is veiy curious,” Fluntooii observ^cd, “This is 
new. dlie convention for dating and numbering small size 
notes has broken down during the past several decades so the 
fact is, we don't know what will appear on a new note until we 
sec one. 

“'Flicy typically, hut not always, start a new series when a 
new design is introduced, even including neiv seals such as 
with the 81 Scries of 1969. Then they add and next incre- 

Paper Money • JuEy/August • Whole No. 256 


mented ^ s\iffix lecter to the scries date* There are exceptions 
to this pattern, the first beings back in the SC SI 1928E, and 
LT S2 1928C, and S5 1928B, series when they changed the 
legal tender clauses without designating a new series. 

“Usually, though, incrementing the series letters Involved 
a signature change, but not aways as was the case wlicn tlicy 
incremented the letters when they increased the si?:c of the 
plate numbers during the early Julian-Morganchau era. 

“They arbitrarily began to change the sei ies on occasion 
without a design change, the first time being the Series of 
1974 Sis, hut then they would stmietijiies revert hack to the 
pattern of adding a series suffix letter. 

Additionally, three other traditions broke down: 

(1) They would occasionally, and now usually, arbitrarily 
restart serial nunihcring with each signature change, rather 
than allow the serials to continue sequentially from die fore- 

(2) They would arbitrarily occasionally re.start the face 
and black plate check numbering ov^er widiin a given design. 

(3) Usually look-alike designs utilised the same series 
year but no more. Notice that the colorized S20s are datetl 
2004, the S5s2006. 

“The patterns in all the variables have become erratic, 
I iowever, it must be noted chat there never was a firm and fast 
convention for any v^ariable. This is just one m(/ie exanijile of 
the fickleness and asymmem' that characterizes any human 

“Also notice with the new colorized series chat they have 
begun to use an arbitrary' beginning prefix letter in the serial 
numbers to differentiate the notes from chose that preceded. 
Specifically, the new S5s and Si Os all utilize the beginning 
prefix T instead of ‘A' for the first notes printed in the series, 
while the S20s use *E’, etc.” 

Official BEP Statement on Series 2006 S5 FRNS 

Officially HEP media relations director CdaLulia DickeJis 
puts a fine point to Hiintoon^s findings, 

“The following is the response to your question of two 
designs on Series 2006 S5 bills,” Ms. Dickens wrote: 

“The series year on United States banknotes changes 
when there is a new Secretar) and/or when a major redesign 
of die note takes place. Secretar}' of the Treastirv Paulson was 
confirmed by the Senate in 2006; accordingly, as soon as nev^^ 
plates could he made hearing his signature Ijanknotes began 
carrvnng the series year of 2006. 

“VMien the redesigned S5 note was issued die decision 
was made to retain the series year 2006 on them since, like the 
SlO note which first bore the series year 2006, it was another 
note in the "New Color of Alone} " series. The old S5 bill bas 
the letter "H" preceding its serial mimlicr, and the new S5 
carries the letter 'T' as its prefix. 

The BEP also confirmed that this is unprecedented in 
U.S, federal currency historv^ “No, vv'e are not aware ol ariv 
other instance like this one,” Ms, Dickens noted, 

F,ditoris note: So, (jeorge, we at Pnper Money guess the 
answer to your questions is “No, this is NOT a govern men oil 
foul-up, since it was done intentionally, BUT it sure is gosh 
dam unusual/’ It appears to this writer a simfde uniform plan 
For designating currency Series years could he implemented, 
but we also doubt that such a solution will in lact be undertak- 
— Ff^ed Reed ♦t* 

The Secret Revealed? 

By Raphael Ellenbogen (deceased) 

Co'iii Colkefmg^ Edward C* Roche tie (a former President 
and Executive Director of the ANA) w rites on “The Secret 
of the Number in the Shadow” (page 27). He relates his 
search for die secret of the number 3172, which is hidden 
in the bushes at tlie left side base of the Lincoln Memorial 
on the back of then current five dollar bills. 

He quotes Robert J* Leuver, former head of the 
Bureau of Engraving and Printing and at that time 
Executive Director of the ANA, who stared, “The number 
goes hack a long time in the lore of currency, but it actual- 
ly has no significance.” 

Ed also recounts the hidden names of the first 26 
states of the union (the first twelve, in the order of admit- 
tance, on the tops of the 12 columns in the tront of the 
Memorial and die balance of 14 on the frieze at the upper 
part of the jVIenio rial.) 

1 submit, that the minute engraving of these “states” 
has a correlation to the “hidden” numher 3172: 

Adding the figures rcjgether, tliey total 13 standing for 
the original “13” colonies admitted to the union: The first 
“3,” in 1 7B7; die next “1,” at tire turn of the year Januari^ I, 
I78S; the following “7,” throughout I78B; and the last “2” 
in 1789-90. 

l^his may be fanciful chinking, but until another theo- 
ly is expounded, it is certainly a “romantic” conception. *%* 

3 17 2 



July/August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Mary C. Williamson, 
National Bank President 

By Karl Sanford Kabelac 

M ary c. vi'illiamson ser\td as presidrni' 

of the First Ndtioniil I3ank of Porta Ics, New Mexico 
(hmndccl in 1902, Charter #61 H 7) for almost a year, frf>m A lay 
1 1 , 1920, to Alarch 9, 1921. She became president after the 
death of her husband, George M. YYilliamson, vs ho had died 
on A larch 8 , J920* She relinquished the position when, in the 
settlement of his estate, the stock that had been owned by him 
was transferred to a group 
of Poitales businessmen. 

She was born Alary 
Cox on July 3, 1872. Mer 
father was a prosperous 
rancher in Brazoria 
Counw, Texas* As a 3 ‘oung 
woman she was courted by 
W^illiamson, who was sev'- 
eral }^ears her senior. 

He was the resident 
manager of the JR Ranch 
in Crosl)y County, Te.vas, 
a ranch owned by his uncle 
by marriage. They w^erc 
m a I'r i e d on D ecem ber 3 1 , 

1895, and spent the fust 
years of their marriage at 
the ranch. 

In 1902 they moved 
to Povtales, a new conimu- 
nity in east central New 
Mexico, about 15 miles 
from the Texas border. 

W’^illiamson began a suc- 
cessful career in the cattle 
business. They were active in the community. He was a 
Mason and she was a member of the Eastern Star and the 
Porta I es VVomen’s Club, 

In July 1917, he was a leading partner in assuming the 
ownership of the First National Bank of Portales. The news- 
paper account noted his “sound business sagacity, good judg- 
ment and lair dealings with the public."^ 

But hard times were ahead. The winter of I91S was espe- 
cially cold, and then the following summer veiy drv^ making it 
costly to maintain canle. Then the market price of cattle col- 
lapsed. AAnlliamson himself became ill and, w riting his will in 
late Februaty 1920, died the next month at die age of 56. 

Widiin a year of relinquishing the bank presidency, Aiaiy 
Williamson moved to San Diego, CA. She died there on 
Februar}^ 25, 1926, of cancer at the age of 53. She was sur- 
vived by their two children. 

The hank itself continues to this day in IMrtales as a 
Wells Fargo Bank. 

Sources and acknowledgments 

The George Al. W'illiamson and associates purchase of 
the FNB of Portales is found in Tbv Ponnks Vniky Seivs for 
July 27, 1917; his ohinian' is found in the same newspaper, 
March 11, 1920; and the transfer of the Williamson hank 
holdings is in the March 10 , 1921, issue. Helpful articles on 
the hi scon' of the bank are found in the Ponaks Nrd^s-Tnbune, 

April 4, 1972. Wnlliamson's 
career at die JR Ranch and his 
courtship and marriage to Mary 
arc found in J. C. .McNcilh The 
McNeills' SR Rajnh: 100 }M/rs in 
ShincQ Citiiyon (1988); and sum- 
marized in the entity for die SR 
Ranch in the online version of 
The Handbook ofTcxns^ Alary C. 
Williamson’s death certificate is 
filed in the San Diego CA 
County Clerk's Office. The 
research skills and assistance of 
Janelle Foster of Portales XAl 
are gratefully acknow ledged. *1* 

Minutes of the bank's Board of 
Directors, May TC 1920, and 
March 9, 1921, recording the 
election of Mary C Williamson as 
president and her resignation* 

At a call of Board of Directore of 

tbo Pirst Natioiial Bank of Portalai?, lew Ue^ica, on 
tbe 9th, dav of March, 19? 1, the following mature rs 
were pres aid:; 

Mary C, Will ianiE on , Chairman, 

Wm, EengEin, Secretary, 

Kd J, Rfler, 

J, Priddjf 
C . 0, Leach, 

The following preeeedings ware had to-wit: 

Hary WilliaiiiEcm tendered bar reaignatiom 
as presidont and director of paid bank. Same was 
acoop tod, 

Eoagan tendered his resignation as 
Actiw-Fioe Presideixt and director and Kamo was 

C* 0. |«ach tendered his resignation ac 
director of said bank and same was acce^itsd* 

There being no further business before the 
Board the meeting a4jtiurned> 



it a meeting ot tlrifl BoBrd of l^ifeotors Of th# 
yirat Hatlonel Bank of Por tale e*hft 1ft at th* off Loo 
of Bald hank on date abore iiff!ied*the followliag 
dirootoiu hoing preBont,to witi 
J.B.Prlddyt Tloo Jrsaldonti 
Bd*J. Heart Eiid*VLoo ^reeiiont, 

T.£«aoars, liilT0OtoiP* 

the foil owing prooeadlnga wero lainl*to wit; 

On metlo^ inly, made *and oarrled Mary C.HilliamBont 
was oleoted a dlrootor of eaid'bant- All dlreotorEi 
present to ting for Duoh motlemtfuid her eleetloti as 
such deolereda 

On motion dnly made and earriodtliary C. If! 11 lame on, 
was then duly elected Freeldent of the hoard of 
Dire c tor a of as id butktin lion of (1,11. Will lamBon* 

Xn witneas who roof that tho abova end foregoing warn 
the proceedings had on said data * vs hereunto sat our 
hands and seals, the day end yoar flret shove written. 

^ Chaimum* 

Paper Money - July/August ■ Whole No. 256 


Silver Certificate Series of 1934A G-A $5 Mules 

by Jamie Yakes 

T he series of 1934a face plates were the first S5 sil\t:r certificate plates 

engraved with macro plate numbers* They were initially used for production on January 14, 1938. Al\ the 
available back plates at diis time were micros so the early Series oC 1934A production was exclusively mules. xYIacro 
backs came online in March, and mule production became increasingly diluted with non-mules until the last of the 
regular micro backs wore out in 1940. 

Series of 1934A mules can be found overprinted with serials in the D-A, E-.^, F-A, G-A, and H-A blocks* 
The trend was that the mules became increasingly scarcer as production progressed into the G-A and ll-A blocks. 

E- and F-A Blocks 

The D-A, E-A and F-A blocks %yere completed by die tall of 1939^ and used most of the available produc- 
tion of micro back sheets during the year. Finding a 1934A mule from one of these blocks is not very difficult. 
There are short, Uncirculated runs of these varieties, making them relatively common* 

In fact, no D-A non-mules are reported. It appears that mvicro-hack sheets w^ere first serial numbered just 
after the last D-A serial was printed. 

G-A Block 

In comparison to the odier blocks, the G-A block falls in the middle in terms of availability* The beginning 
of G-A Qverpriiinng caught sufficient micro-back production that notes are available, but most production was non- 

My obsen^ations on the G-A serials reveal that this mule variety is much scarcer than current prices would 
have one believe, especially in Uncirculated condition. 

H-A Block 

The H-A block is a small-size rarity. The current census contains only ffiree notes, with the highest report- 
ed serial being a low HO 19981 15A. Serial numbers were first printed on this block in the spring of 1940, which is 
well after all but one of the micro back plates was removed from sendee* 'Fhis last micro back plate, 905, w^as taken 
out of senice Februaiy 15, 1941). Sheets printed from this plate lasted long enough to have been available for the 
i n i ti a ! H - A over p r i n t i n g la te r th a t yea r . 

Late Alicro Back Productioii 

Overprinting of the G-A block began sometime during September or October 1939* There were only three 
micro back plates in production then; these were the only ones used after August 1939. Table 1 shoAvs die usage for 
these plates. 

Table 1- Usage of $5 micro-back plates after August 1939. 

Plate Serial 
Micro 902 
Micro 905 

Micro 938 

Dates Sent lo the Press 
Jan 2, 1938 lo Nfov 2, 1939 
Jul 20, 1939 to Dec 13, 1939 
Dec 21, 1939 to Feb 14, 1940 
May 11, 1939 lo Sep 5, 1939 

Notesr Production from these active plates appears on the G-A mules* {Figures 1, 2, and 3,) 


July/August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 




Figure 1, Mule 042352311 A, plates 
C998/902. This note was printed du 
late 1939. 


ID3.4 A 

■tt'.KSTTlX’fTTAV Ur 


Figure 2. Mule G73777024A, plates 
D1 056/905. This note w'as printed in the 
spring of 1940. Back plate 905 is also 
found on the rare H-A mules. 




Figure 3. Mule G1 T485217A, plates 
K976/938. Piftiled during autumn 1939. 
Back plate 93B is the highest number 
assigned to a $5 micro back plate. 

G1148521? A 


Figure 4. Mule G15827367A, plates 
1929/895. This note was printed uring the 
autumn of 1939. This back plate was last 
used in January of 1939, 



Figure 5, Mule C10359TBOA, plates 
F972/896. This note was printed during 
the fall of 1939. Along with back plates 
895 and 901, 898 was used for the final 
time in January, 1939. 




Figure L Mule C46691089A, plates 
A997/90K This note was printed late in 
1939 with a back plate that was printed in 
January of that year, (Image courtesy of 
Currency Auctions of America) 


Paper Money * July/August - Whole No. 256 


In addition, other micro backs from stockpiled sheets were used to produce these mules. These included 
production from micro backs 895, 896 and 90] . O'hese three plates left the presses on Januan- 27, 1939. 

• G15827367A has back 895, but was numbered in earl\' autumn !939, eight months after the plate wore out. 

(Figure 4.) 

• G10359180A, with back 896, was also numbered in the early fall of 1939. (Figure 5.) 

• G46601089A has back 901, .Although the back wore our in January 1939, it was numbered later that year, 

most likely in December. (Figure 6.) 

Tliese notes prove the fact that sheets from these [places were l)eing used from stockpiled supplies. 

The reported IF.A specimens all use micro 905, the last regtilar micro hack used. They too were printed 
fi-om stockpiles that lasted several months beyond the last use of that plate. 


Series of 1934A S5 Silver Certificate mules are common except for the G-A and TT.A blocks. The scarciw 
of G-A mules is attributed to (1) the diminished supply of micro back plates and (2) the increased availabilin^ of 
macro backs by the time this block was produced. Some CTA mule production was from stockpiles of previously 
printed micro backs including 895, 896 and 901, all of which had been taken out of sen ice long before the block 
was numbered. 

Acknowl edge nicnts 

Jim Flodgson provided scans of the notes in Figures 2 and 3. Peter Huntoon provided technical assistance. 

Currency Auctions of iVnierica/Heritage Auctions Galleries. Permanent Auction .-Vi chives. 

Fluntoon, Peter, S. SmalFSize %5 Alules,’’ Paper Money^ vol. 36, whole no. 192 (Nov/Dec 1997), pp. 179-190, 
Takes, Jamie. “S5 1928C Legal Tender FA Mules and $5 1934 Silver Certificate FIA Mules: Cousins in Production 
and Rarity.’’ Paper Moiuy, vol. 46, whole no, 252 (Nov'/Dec 2007), p. 42 4-42 6. 

Early American • P.O. Box 3507 • Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 
(858) 759-3290 or Fax (858) 759-1439 • Auctioiis@EariyAinerican.coni 

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July/August * Whole No, 256 • Paper Money 

Krause award honors former SPMC board member Ferreri 

Jutlich Murphy called our lUtention to a [>leasaiTt “right of 
passage’^ in die hobby arena reeendy* 

Longtime SPATC boartl member, Cl johi'i f-'errei i had 
been presented the coveted Krause Publications “Numismatic 
Ambassador"^ award h)r hai'tl woi'k within the hohhv". 

It wasn't new's to P/ipcr Money that Ferreih (SPATC mem- 
ber #2570) has been active shouldering die volunteer load. He 
was S PAT C T teas u re r f ro rii 1 9 7 fi- 1 9 7 0 , an d Ciove rn or fo i* 2 2 
years, J 979-2001. He also has sened the Stjciety as Awards 
Chairman, Nominating Chairman, and Puhlidt)- Cdiairmam 
Ferreri has also w on several SPA IC literaiy awards. 

VA'e'll quote liberally from Krause Publications executive 
Dave Harper'S account 

“T have (ust returned from a 
one-day show^ put on hy the 
.Mansfield Numismatic Society tn 
Wil liman tic, C.T.d" Harper wrote 
on his internet blog several months 
ago. “It was held Sunday, Alarch 
.U), 1 spent yesterday mo ruing in 
trails it 

“Mj’ mission was to gi\e two 
Numismatic Ambassador Aw ards. 

The award is gi\'en to iioliby work- 
ers and volimteei's ivlio make orga- 
nized numismatics w hat it is. 

“d1ie first recipient was Cl 
John I'erreri. I le has been the show' 
chairman since the first one in 
I 973. The place the award w as 
given w'as at the entrance to die old 
high school gj'mnasiiim that is the 
location of the 75- table show'. 

“Roger Durand blew the whis- 
tle at about ll:50 a.m. like a high 
school basketball referee and the 
room became silent — if you can 
imagine such a thing on a bourse floor. However, I had spent 
more than half an hour prior warning dealers at their tables 
that it was going to happen and not to think something was 

“I cited Ferreri for his work with the AT NS and many in 
the room spontaneously clap|>ed. 

“.A.S the president of the AT NS said, afterwards, ‘John is 
the man. He’s the life blood of the dub," 

“As a surprise, we had persuaded the seconti recipient to 
travel down from the Boston area to be present to see herreri 
receive his award. 

Then the second award w ent to Ttim Rockw'cll of N<n tb 
Andover He is, I believe, 96 years old, and he has been a stal- 
wart in diree dubs, the Boston Numismatic Society, where lie 
has been secretar;-, the Clitrcncy C'luh of New' Faigland, wTiere 
he has also been secretary and the Boston Numismatic 
Society, where he has been treasurer. 

“Adding all of the terms together, he has spent about 1 00 
I'ears as a hobby volunteer, according to Durand's arithmetic, 
*“l never thought Fd get it,' the surprised Rockvvdl told 
me over and oi^er again as w-e posed for photos with the 

“W'ell, the people at the show' th(>ught it was about time 
they both got the aw ards. I was happy to he in the right place 
at the right time to make it so. 

“Then it ivas back to business,'' E larper added. 

P/fper Moniy asked the modest yoeman to give us some 
background on bis hobby activities, 

“I am still digesting the bict that I even got tbe award/' 
Ferreri w rote. “As I look through the catalogue of past anibaS’' 
sadors I see pictured different folks who were well known on 
the national scene for writing, being active in major conven- 
tions, insdruting and promoting certain activities such as with 
junior members. *T hese are people w ho vou would see at all 
the major show's or jierhaps know' them by their association 

with the board at the .ANA. These folks were in position to use 
their influence and knowledge and used it w isely for the good 
of the hobby. 

“The experiences I have enjoyed the most in our hobb\' 
are Brst, being one of the founders of out local dub, the 
.Mansfield Numismatic Society, Sally Kirka, (deceased) anoth- 
er ambassador and also from Connecticut along with brother 
Chet Gtabowski, (still an active dealer) and close friend 
Herman Ivrajcvvski, (deceased) led guidance to our efforts/’ 
Ferreri recalled. 

“More recently, my son Eric, now reporting ftir the Xeii's 
nmi Olm'jver in Raleigh / Durham / CTapd Hill, NC gave me 
many ideas on how' to contact and promote club activities in 
the worki of |irint. 

“We sponsored a show within our first year and then I 
seemed to have inherited that job because J was the one w ith 
most outside collector and dealer contacts. So, putting on the 
show, publicin' and meetiiig acti\Tries became my job for the 
next 35 years. 

“Soon after that 1 became involved with SPAK^ and held 
the 'Freasurer’s post for several years. That was a veiy enjtn- 
able time during my collecting career. At that time I had the 

Paper money anybody? Taken three years ago at a Mansfield Numismatic Sodety show, L-R 
Don Gilletti (now deceased), [ohn Schwartz, fohn Ferreri, and Mike Crabb share an informal 
candid moment. 

Paper Money • July/Augiist * Whole No, 256 


Letters to the Editor 

Dear Fred, 

l"he folloA^nng is a curious item I have come across, that you may use m the magazine: 

A fellow in Michigan was lately robbed of $14,000 in Wild Cat money. He very generously offers a rey^ai’d of 25 
cents for his pocket book, provided die thief will keep the money* (Columbus (MS) De?7mr/it of June 8, 1839) 

— regards f Clifford Thies 

Dear Fred, 

I am a reladvely new member to SPMC, after having collected for many years. Are any articles planned on 
Colonials and/or Continentals? 

“ tfmjikyoity Anthony Bongiovamii Jr. 

Editor’s Note: How about it readers? I love to run some articles cm our earliest currencies* — F?‘ed Reed 

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July/ August * Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

time to travel to Memphis and 
other show dcsdnations, 

“Who would not enjoy 
gabbing with the likes oF John 
A his cal us, George Wait, Dick 
Hoober, Grover and Clarence 
Criswell, Jiin ("urto, Warren 
Henderson, Ralph Goldstoiie, 
George I hitie, Frank Sprinkle, 
Bob & Bern^ Medlar, Biirndl 
Over lock, Owen Wants and 
other trail blazers of the 
hobby :” Ferre ri continued. 

“One statement made by 
our member Roy Pennell at 
the first SPjMC board meeting 
1 attended stuck with me all 
these veal's. Roy was speaking 
to the board and was remind^ 
ing it about the an important 
tluty we have as an organ izvi- 

tion of collectors with some^vhat more 
knowledge of the subject than the ordinary' 

“He said that an important function 
of SPxMC is to disseminate the knowledge 
we have gathered in order to Inform oth- 
ers. Disseminating knowledge through 
ciuh programs, club shows and publica- 
tions seemed to be the best way to do it so 

|ohn and his betler half, his wife Sue, pose for 
a lensman at the West Point Museum. 

these became my \^enue for this task. 

“One blessing I have had all these 
y^ears has been a dedicated core of mem- 
bers who have unselfishly' aided me with 
these projects, some for as many y^ears as I 
have been active. W^e can be proud that 
our local club has accomplished so many' 
things over the ears,” Ferreri added. 

Well said, John. •> 

Graphic artist offers followup to plate printing article 

Deal' .Mr, Reed, 

.-\s an artist who has createil a nuniher of intaglio iwinm, 1 
sy ni path i zed with d'erry BryaiFs attempts to achieve good 
proofs from his ABKCo plates (Alarch/Ajjrll 20(IK PitjKT 
Money)^ Even with professional instruction, I had to learn 
much in the printing arts by trial and error; for Mr, Bryan to 
proiltice respectable images with little guidance was quite an 

Let me contribute a few tips for those who wish to make 
their ovvn proofs. 1 would first recommend picking up a hook 
on intaglio pnntmaking techniques. Fhe majority of writing in 
these 1 . 100 ks will be on etching and engraving the (date, hut the 
chapters on printing will be of great assistance. Before inking a 
plate I clean it with either alcohtd or ammonia mixed with 
whiting powder. I warm the plate before inking. It is inipor- 
lant CO use an etching ink, not a lithografdiic ink, or a writing 
ink, as Mr. Biyan discovered. Graphic Chemical Gom|>any of 
Illinois (graphicchcniicahcom) sells the inks I use. They even 
make a “Graphic Etching Bank Note Black Ink”, which is 
more expensive than their ocher blacks but it is very opaque. ( 
apply the ink with a hit of surplus matting, anti then I wi]>e the 
excess ink off with a fabric called tartetan, which is basically 
starched cheesecloth. For the final wijie I prefer to hand wipe. 
This final wiping is where the real artistry comes into play. 
'The hand must move quickly anti sharply^ but without much 
pressure on the plate. If the haiid wipes too far it will smear 
the ink. Wen'king arottnd the plate w ith a series of short wipes, 
] wnpc anti chalk my- hand he tween \vipes to ihy any oil jiicked 
up on the previous stroke. 

Choosing a good paper is extremely important. J he num- 
ber of choices available fi*om printmaking supply houses can 
be dizzying, but f would suggest either Arches Cover or Rives 
BFK as excellent papers to start with. .Avoiil the thinner 
Japanese papers until you are more adept at pi intmaking. 
Printmaking papers can he can lie purchased on-line through 
any nujiiher of iirt suppliers, such as Dick Bliek 

{ or Graphic Chemical ( 
.Mr. Bryan was correct to instruct that the paper must be 
dampened before printing, but it takes more chan a quick 
s|nitz to get good results. Let the paper sit in a tub of water 
for a good 15 miiuiies of more, then blot it to remove any 
e.xccss before printing. 

Now^ we come to the most problematic stage, the actual 
printing. VAhrhout a roller press, getting a good proof will he 
quite difficult, as Mr. Bryan discovered with his clamps. Many 
art schools’ continuing education progi’ams or art associations 
offer printmaking classes. Enrolling in a class will give you an 
opportunity^ to use their press. *Fhe instructor would certainly 
he thrilled to see the artistry of one of these old bank note 
plates brought to lile. If y^ou can’t find a class, you might cry' 
contacting a printmaking artist in your area. Remember chat 
the artist’s press is a prized possession and he or she will be 
unlikely to let you lay a hand on it, but for a fee the artist 
might be willing to print your proof If you are serious about 
printing your plates, buy^ V'our own press. The Dick Blick 
Econo Etch Model II Press at S3 66 has a reputation ftm being 
one of the best values in an entry' level press. WTien you con- 
sider that the rUiNCo plates are no^v selling for thousands of 
dollars, the expentliture for one of these presses is quite rea- 

One final option I can offer is that 1 would be willing to 
print proofs for SPMC members for a reasonable fee in my 
studio. I would prefer to make proofs from small vignette 
plates, not full-size bank notes. Those interested may write me 
at jonsmalI@cox.iict. I was recently draivn to collecting bank 
note plates and proofs while researching my ancestor, Stephen 
A. Schoff (1818-1904). I have inherited or purchased a number 
of pieces relating to his work in the bank note field, and I hope 
to write some fiiture articles about his story^ for Piiptr iMoftey. 

Thank you, -- Jo/t SinaH MkhUetow/iy Rl 

Editor’s note: Thanks John for this excellent information. 
We look foi'vvard to your articles on Mr, Schoff. 

Paper Money • Juiy/August * Whole No. 256 


More wheresgeorge notes show up in change 


T r3C^Si®?l 9^ n&xtl 
u www.w he re^g BO 

'^^lanE'n! sTAtTES; or AMEm CiV, 

. iCTiJS LidP.nWife 


\V.\S1I I^■f iTVTfi [ >.0 

Dear Fred, 

I got one of chose marked bills in change, and 
wouldn’t have paid any attention to it, if you hatin’ t 
written about them in Papn- Money. So I’ll share it with 

Dear Loren, 

'Thanks for sharing your bilk Fll share one I got 
recently too. I also got my marked bill in Norman, OK. 
1 reeeived it in change iVoin a concessionaire at a 
University of Oklahoma 1>asketball game on Jan. 27, 
OU won and I came home with a soU’ 
venir (shown at left). 

Go Lady Sooners! 

Wdien I reported it the ne.\t day, 
hoy was I surprised. In the “com- 
ment” area, the first spender had 
appended his girlfriend’s photo. 

According to the wlieresgeorge 
database the note was entered at 
Derby, KS on Sepc. 22, 2007, Five 
days later it hit in Wichita, KS, and 
I got it April 20th (nearly seven 
months later) in Norman, OK. 
'Three days later, the note {at right) 
was reported in Dallas, TX. 

— regm'dSf Loren Gntch 

BT\\' it ejitered the database on Jan, 16 at nearby 
Yukon, OK. WeMl see where it shows up. — Fred <* 

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Ju[y/August • Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

The Clements of Rutland, Vermont 
Gave it Two Tries 

Series al 1875 5-5^5-5 certified proof for The Clement National 
Bank of Rutland, A^erniont (Charter #2537) among the BEP proofs in 
the Smithsonian holdings. What makes the proof special is that the 
officers of the hank never completed the process of organizing. 

1 lowever, a later bank with the same title, but Charter #2950, was 
organized, and first issued Series of 1882 Brown Backs. This is die storv^ of this 
most interesting proof, die hank, and the Clements. 

The Two Clement National Banks 

Charles Clement began organizing The Clement National Bank of 
Rutland, \T, on June 20, 1881. Waldo P. Clement, his youngest son, was list- 
ed on the organizanon certificate as the cashier. The Comptroller of the 
Currency awarded Charter #2537 to the bank three days later, upon the deposit 
of $35,000 ill 3.5% bonds to secure their currency, and a $5 Series ot 1875 

plate was ordered. 

However, something %vent 
amiss. The bonds were sold 
August 1st, and the bank was liq- 
uidated that same day. In a foot- 
note in his 1882 .Annual Report, 
Co mp tr ol I e r I o h n J ay Kn ox s ta t- 
ed that the bank 'Tiiled to com- 
plete organization.” 

In the meantime, a beauriful 
S5 Series of 1875 plate was pre- 
pared for the hank, and certified for use. It carried a batch date of J uly 30, 
1881, which is close to when the plate was ordered. It also carried the then 
current Bruce-Gilfillan treasury signatures. 

4 die Clements came back 2 1 months later with a second bank bearing the 


by Peter Huntoon 

same title. Charles was again the president, but this time he chose an older 
son, Percival W., as the cashier. They organized on April 21, 1883, and 
receiv^ed Charter #2950 on May 14. 

By year end they had a respectable circulation of $76,500. They were in 
competition with four other banks in Rutland: The Rutland County- National 
Bank (#82()), The National Bank (#1450), The Baxter National Bank (#1700), 
and the veiy recently^ chartered Killirigton National Bank (#2905). All the oth- 
ers were larger, with greater circulations. 4 he Clement bank stay^ed in business 
through the rest of the note-issuing era, closing out 1934 with a drculation of 
$ 100 , 000 . 

! he rale of the two Clement National Banks is extraordinary'. It involves 
the only example we have found of a Series of 1875 plate being made for a bank 
that never issued. Failing to complete an organization once chartered was 
highly- unusual, if not unprecedented. 

Adtli ng to the story is the fact that when the second Clement bank was 
organized, Coniptroller Knox had already taken it upon himself to phase out 
the Series of 1875. Consequently', the second Clement bank received Series of 
1882 notes, specifically 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 Brown Backs. 

This situation would have been interesting regardless of what plates were 
made, but having the two hanks bridge the changeover in series makes tliis case 
parti CLi la rl y a ppea 1 i n g. 

Paper Money * July/August * Whole No. 256 


_ f/ifif'O.s’-rr/jr/, ^ -a«^^^****m**^^ 

;yUT. .y iiliiLUOSlUiC 

f *1V iiu \\. ^x^ 4vvvl\ -* 

I p/0*v^’ 

The Clements 

The lollowiiig biogniphiail sketch of the C^leinents is copied verbiitim, but 
Libridged, from a description of the Cleinent Fiunih l^ipers housed in the 
\TrmQnt 1 1 is tori cal Socien^ 

The Clements were a proiiiineiir hrmily in business ajid politics 
in Rutland, V-erniont* Charles Clement had an early interest in marble 
qiiarries, operating Clenient ant) Sons with his two oldest sons, Wallace 
and Percival. He was also part o^\ale^ of the Riirlantl Railrtjad and the 
Clement Xational Bank. 

Wallace continued his father's businesses after his death in 1893, 
and Percival carried on the family interest in railroads, while publishing 
the Rutland Heru/d. Me also became active in politics and was elected 
governor in 1918. 

Charles Clement was born in Ilaverhill, Massachusetts, .VI ay 1, 
1807, He married Elizabeth Wood (1807-1904) in Sherburne, V’^erniont, 
in 1 83 E Hiey had eight children: Wkillace Charles (1835-192 1 ); Fretleric 
Percival (1838-1841); Anna Elizabeth (1840-1876); Melville Wood 
(1842-1843); Herbeit Rogers Oiinuanq 1844-June 1844); Percival Wood 
(1846-1927); Fayette Rogers ( 1 849-1850); M aklo Park (h, 1851), Charles 
Clement died in New York Cit\% November 24, 1893. 

The Clement National Bank received 
Charier #2537 In 1B81, bul the 
Clements failed to complete its organi- 
zation. However^ this attractive plate 
was made for the bank just days before 
it was formally liquidated. 

The Clements received $5, $10, and 
$20 Series of 1 882 Brown Backs as 
their first issues upon perfecting their 
second bank, Charter #2950, in 1883. 
The 21 -month hiatus between the two 
organizations bridged the gap between 
the Series of 1875 and 1882. 

rtjjjj -‘t ' '' 

^ tthf 

N cl I ion cl 1 li clitic 

-V SS,lilTLi!^fMS!J 3 

^ ^ i tU ' t<KV Wvv Yl I I lu 

Charles Clement and Elizabeth Mk>od, after their marriage in 
1831, moved west to Evansville, Illinois, where Charles tried to set up a 
business. .Some members of the Wood family also moved to Illinois 
Avhere there are several deeds For land in 1 azewell C^ount), Illinois, [rear- 
ing tlieir names, Charles and Elizabeth returned to the east coast in 1839. 

Charles became involved in the Rutland marl>ie Inisiness in 1851, 


July/August * Whole No. 256 - Paper Money 

forming the firm of Clement and Son which eventiudly included two of 
his sons, Wallace and Percy, Me also founded the Clement bank in 1883; 
it mo heciiine a family concern, Charles also had an interest in the rail- 
road business and became part owner oi the Rutland Railroad in 1882. 

Source of Clement Biogi'aphic Information 

Vermont Mistorical Societ}^ Library, Clement Family Papers 1798 1968, 
Documents 187 194, accessible on the web at http://w\w, 
a re cat/ fi n cl a i d/cl em en tf . h tm [ . ] 


This work was supported by a grant from the Currency Club of Long Island. 
James Hughes, collections manager, National Numismatic Collection, 
Museum of American Histoiy, Smitlisonian Institution, provided access to the 
certified proofs from the National Bank Note plates. *> 

True story! One of my friends related this story to me recently 

By Bob Cochran 

mng them! 1 am STILL laughing!! T diink we need to 
quit saving our S2 bills and bring them out in public. The 
younger generation doesn't know they exist. 

This is a true stoiy, just as told to me: 

On my way home from work, 1 stopped at a fast food 
emporium for a quick bite to eat, In my bilifoki were a bill 
and a S2 bill. T figure that with a S2 bill, I can get something to 
eat and not have to worry about anyone getting irritated ar me 
for tiy ing to break a S50 bill. 

Me: “Hi, I'd like one sevcn-lavTr burrito please, to go.” 

Sender: “That'll be Si .04. Eat in?” 

Me: “No, it’s to go.” At this point, 1 open my billfold vind 
hand him the S2 bill. He looks at it kind of bin ny. 

Serv'cn “Uh, hang on a sec, I’ll he right hack.” He goes to 
talk to his manager, who is still within my earshoL The 
following conversation occurs between the rwe^ of them: 
Sen er: “Hey, you ever see a S2 Ihll?” 

Manager: “No. A what?” 

Sen en “AS2bill. Phis guy just 
gave it to me.” 

Manager: “Ask for something 
else. There’s no such thing 
as a $2 bill.” 

Ser\ er: “Yeah, thought so.” He 
comes back to me and says, 

“We don’t cake these. Do 
you have anj^hing else?” 

Me: “Just this fify-. You don't 
take S2 bills? \Vliy?” 

S e n^er : “1 d o n ' t kn ow , ” 

Me: “See here where it .says 
legal tender?” 

Server: “Yeah.” 

Me : “So, why won ' t yo u ta ke it?' 

Sender: “Well, hang on a sec.” He goes hack to his manager, 
who has been watching me like I’m a shoplifter, and says 
to him, “He says I have to take it.” 

Manager: “Doesn't he have annhing else?” 

Sener: “Yeah, a fifty. I'll get it and you can open the siife 

and get change.” 

Manager: “T'm not opening the safe with him in here.” 

Seiver: “What should I do?” 

Manager: “Tell him to come back later when he has real 

.Sciwen “I can’t tell him that! You tell him.” 

Manager: “Just tell him.” 

Seiwer: “No way! This is weird. I’m going in back,” 

Tlie jnanager approaches me and says, “I'm sorry, but we 
don't take big bills this time of night.” 

Me: “It’s only seven o’clock! VV'ell then, here's a rwo tlollar 


Manager: “\\fo don't take those, either.” 

Me: “WFynot?” 

Manager: “1 think you know w'hy.” 

Me: “No really, tell me why.” 

Manager: “Please Iea%'e hefure 1 call mall security.” 

Me: “What on earth for?” 

Manager: “Please, sir.” 
Me: “Uh, go ahead, call 

Manager: “Mfould you 
please just leave?” 

Me: “No.” 

Manager: “Fine — have 
it your way then,” 

Me: “Hey, that's Burger 
King, isn’t it?” 

At this point, he 
backs away ft'om me and 
calls mall security" on the 
phone around the cor- 
ner. 1 have nvo people staring at me from the dining area, and 
I begin laughing out loud, just for effect. A few minutes later 
this 45-year-oldish guy comes in. 

Gua rd : “Ye a h , M i kc, wha : ' s u p ? ” 

Manager (whispering): “This guy is trying to give me some 
(pause) funny money.” 

Guard: “No kidding! Wiiat?” 

Manager: “Get this ... A two dollar bill.” 

Paper Money " July/August - Whole No. 256 



Giuird (incredulous): would a guv fake a two dollar 


Manager: don't know. He's kinda weird. He says the only 

other thing he has is a 
Guard: ''Oh, so the fi%'s fake!” 

Manager: “No, the two dollar hill is." 

Guard: “V\Tiy would he fake a two dollar bill?" 

Manager: “1 don't know! Can you talk to him, and get him 
out of here?” 

Guard: “Yealu” 

Securit)^ Guard walks over to me and ... “Mike here tells 
me vou have some fake bills youVe ciying to use.” 

.Me:' “Uh, nod’ 

Guard: “Lem me see ‘emd’ 

Me: “\Yliy?" 

Guard: “Do you want me to get the cops in here?” 

At this point I am ready to say, “Sure, please!” but I want 
to eat, so 1 say “I'm just trying to buy a burrito and pay for it 
wdth this two dollar bill.” 

I put the bill up near his face, and he flinches like I'm tak- 
ing a swung at him. l ie takes the bill, turns it over a few times 
in bis hands, and says, “Hey, Mike, what's wrong with this 

Alanager: “It's fake.” 

Guard: “It doesn't look fake to me.” 

Manager: “But it's a two dollar bill." 

Guard: “Yeah?” 

Manager: “Well, there's no sucli thing, is there?" 

The security guard and I both look at him like he's an 
idiot, and it dawns on the guy that he has no clue. So, it turns 
out that my burrito w^as free, and he threw in a small drink and 
some of those cinnamon thingies, too. 

Made me \vant to get a w^hole stack of tw o dollar bills just 
to see w hat happens when I tty' to buy stuff. If I got the right 
group of people, I could probably end u]^ in jail. You get free 
food there, too. 

Just think ... those two w ill be voting soon. *t* 













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July/August - Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Chronological Inventory of United States 
Public Debt Issues, 1775 - 1898 

as listed on EH. Net, the Economic Elistory Services web site 
illustrated by examples fi'om Gene Messier’s H;/ Illustrated History of US. Loam 


issues by the Unitetl Slices Trcdsiiiy anti its predeces- 
sors iroin 1775 to 1898. This is a portion ot the listing of U.S. 
Treasury debt issues through 1976 compiled by Dr. ITanklin 
Noll ol the BEP's 1 listorieal Resource Center. The datahase 
is hosted by Econtmiic 1 listoiy Sen ices at ]ittp://eh.iiet/data- 
bases/uspLiblicdebL Issues are listed by accounting yc^r (cab 
eiidar year until 1843 and fiscal year tbereafter). 

For each year, issues arc groupetl by type of instrument. 
This was determined according to the financial terms of lire 
instrument (primarily length of nianirit)-) and, when av'ailahle, 
the Treasury’s official designation of the security. Within 
each grouping, ins mini cuts arc listed in alphaheticaJ order. 
Any dates appearing in st|uare parenrheses, especially in the 
case of Treasury bills, represent exact issue dates. 

This listing contains only piililic debt issues. It does not 
include 'Freasur}' issues for other types of debt (rail- 
road debt, insular debt, District ot Cohnnbia debt, or 
contingent debt) nor warrants or other drafts used 
by the Treasury for payanent or accounting purposes. 

The entire database contains roughly 13,000 
individual issues. Certain instruments may be issued 
repeatedly over a number of \ ears. In these cases, 
each instance of issue is considered a separate instru- 
ment. The compiler does not claim m have rccordetl 
every single instrument ever issued because the 
Treasury records are full of gaps and omissions. So, 

Dr. Noll considers this a work in He wel- 
comes any comments, ccyrrections, or additions. 

The majority of the inventory wa,s created as 
part ol a larger project. Dr. XolTs unpublished 10- 
volume work, .4 Gi/hlc to Govenm/ent OhUgiftionSy 
1861-1976. This is a detailed coinpendiiim of the 
securities issued by the Treasury between 1861 and 1976, and 
includes the financial tcims and purpose of each security as 
well as a glossary of little-known Trcasuiy tenn.s. These snub 
res were created Ibr the use of the [ listorieal Resource Center 
of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Wbsliington, DC, 
*Whe pi e- 1861 part of the inventory was filled in later, using a 
number of different sources, [n all, the sources used in the 
creation of the complete inventory were rather numerous and 
sometimes obscure. [ present onh‘ the major ones here,” Dr. 
Noll said: 

rliJiimi/ Ri^pon of the SeLTvt/fjy of the Iretnitfy on the Shfte fifdu' 
Fiiitim'es. Wbshington, DC: Cjovemment Printing Office, 

Bay ley , Rafael A. The N/jtwn/iI Loam' of the United States from 
July 4. 1776, tojime 56, 1880, 2nd etk, facsimile repi inrfyf 
\Sm ed. New York: Burt Franklin, 1970. 

De l^Tiight, William F. Hlstoiy of the CnmmLj of the Conntiy 
ami o f the Loan.^ o f the United Stares from the Ear/iest Perhd 
to Jane 3 0, / 9 0 0. Wa s h i n g t u n , DC: G o v e i n ment 
Printing Office, 1900, 

Friedberg, Arthur L. and Friedberg, Ira S. Paper Money id 

the United States. 16th ed. Clifton, Nj: Fhe Coin & 
Currency Institute, 2001. 

Messier, Gene. Att 1 /last rated nistoiy of U.S. l.oans. Port 
Clinton, Oil: BNR Press, 1 988. 

Love, Robert A. Federal FinaaLiag: A Srady of the Method.< 
Employed hy the 'freasnry in /f.f Bornneiag Operations, 
reprint of 19.vl ed. New York: .AAIS Press, 1968, 
‘Wlonthiy Statement of the Public Debt.” URL: 
http:// WWW' , p u b I i cd e h t, ti eas . gov / < )p d/ o pd . h ti n . 

Former Paper Money Editor CTcne Messier, author of.47/ 
lllastrated Histmy of U.S. Loans (BNR Press, 1988) gratiously 
loaned most of the representative illustrations accompanying 
this listing. Several adtiitional illustrations were supplietl by 
and Merirage Auctions. 

Dr. Noll's work was produced at the I listorieal Resource 
Center, Bureau of Engraving anti Printing, Washington, DC 

Jrm * 

riWiifjfjirap/f - ,«-3rwr, on?» 

iiie D:iy of* .r _ ■ ^ s 

mSfira 3nma]\y, af (Bp SJafc n/ Sk />cr Ccitt. per Mmmi 

(0 4 Kp/sfsdm d/ iScVaita Slalrf, patta\ tht 7at«iy.Saon^ Smo/ /y- cS 

t/mny, ijjy, Witntfs my Hand thh 'f , Dny oK-. . . 

g t . 

Feb. 22, 1777 Confinenlal Loan Office Certificate 

wdiilc the author wois under eontract to Bytlier Managing 
Cloliecdnns, LLC. The views, conclusions, and opinions stat- 
etl therein are those of the author and not necessarily those of 
the 1 listorieal Resource Center or the Bureau of Engraving 
and Printing. The author also bears all responsibility^ for the 
accuracy of all dates, n urn hers, calculations, citations, names, 
and other salient facts. Dr. Noll stressed. 

The mission of the Efistorical Resource Center is to col- 
lect, docunient, and preserve the history of the Bureau of 
Engraving and Printing and its products. 4"he MRC serves as 
a resource for research and dissemination of infcirmation coh’ 
cerning Bureau of Engraving and Printing history and prod- 
ucts. Paper Money is tielightcd to share the fruits of this labor. 

Calendar Year January 1, 1775 - December 31, 1775 


I^oan Office Certificates of June 3, 


C "o n ti nen t a I C u rre n c 

/ jS 

Paper Money - July/August * Whole No. 256 


Now available 



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July/August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Calendar Year January 1, 1776 - December 31, 1776 


l^oan Office Certificiites of October 3, 1776 
Loan Office Certificates of Xoveniber 18* 1776 
I.oan Office Certificates of December 12, 1776 


Coiitiiicn tal Cu rrency 

Quartermaster Generafs (Certificate 
Cm rcncy: 

Continental Currenev 

French Loan of 18*000*000 Livres 

Calendar Year January 1, 1780- December 31, 1780 

Calendar Year January 1, 1777 - December 31, 1777 


Loan Office Certificates of Januaiy !4* 1777 
Loan Office Certificates of February 22* 1777 



Continental Currency 


Loan from Farmers-Ceneral of France 


Loan Office Bills of Fxchange 

Loan Office Certificates of .April 27, 1780 
l .oan Office Certificates of September .3, 1780 
Quartermaster Generars Certificate 


French Loan of 18*000,000 Lh i es 

Calendar Year January 1, 1781 - December 31, 1781 


Loan Office Bills of Exchange 

Loan Office Certificates of January 2, 1781 
Loan Office Certificates of July 23* 1781 
Quartermaster Generars Certificate 
Special Loan Office Certificates 


French Loan of 1 0*000,000 Livres 
French Loan of 1 8*000,000 Li^Tes 
Spanish Loan of 1781 

Calendar Year January 1, 1782 -December 31, 1782 

Calendar Year January 1, 1778 - December 31, 1778 


LoanOlTice Certificates of Jan tuny 17, 1778 

Continental Currency 


Loan Office Bills of Exchange 

Register’s Certificate ® 6% 

Quartermaster GeneraFs Certificate 

State Commissioner’s Final Settlement Certificates 


French Loan of 18,000*000 Livres 


Office of Finance note 

Calendar Year January 1, 1779 - December 31, 1779 


Loan Office Bills of Exchange 

Loan Office Certificates of Jantiar)- 2, 1770 
Loan Office Certificates of Februaiy 3* 1779 
Loan Office Certificates ofjune 29, 1779 
Loan Office Certificates of October 30* 1 779 


French Loan of 10,000*000 Livres 
French Loan of 18,000*000 Livres 
1 loll and Loan of 1 782 
Spanish I .oan of 1781 

Calendar Year January 1, 1783- December 31, 1783 


Office of Finance Bills of Exchange 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


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July/August - Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Ccftifi cates: 

Army Final Settlemeni Certill cates 
C 1 oth i e r D e pa rtm e ii t Fi n a I Scrcl c m e n c e rti fi ca res 
Commissan- Deparnnent Final Settleincnt Certificates 
Hospital Department Final Settlement Certificates 
Alarine Department Final Settlement Ckn tifieates 
Register’s Certificate @ 6% 

Quartermaster’s Final Settlement Certilicates 


Office qI^ Finance note 

Fi encli Loan of 6,000,000 Livres 
Holland Loan of 17B2 

Calendar Year January 1, 1784 - December 31, 1784 


.\nny Final Settlement Certificates 
Certificate of Interest 

C^Iothier Deparmient Final Settlement Certificates 
Commissary Department Final Settlement Certificates 
Hospital Departnient Final Settlement Ceidficates 
Marine Department Final Settlement Certificates 
Register’s Certificate @ 6% 

Quartermaster’s Final Settlement Certilicates 


Holland Loan of 1783 
Holland Loan of 1784 

Calendar Year January 1, 1785- December 31, 1785 


Certificate of Interest 
Register’s Certificate @ 6% 


Holland Loan of 1 782 

Calendar Year January 1, 1786 - December 31, 1786 


Certificate of Interest 

Loan Office Final Settlement Specie Certificate 
Register's Certificate @ 6% 


Holland Loan of 1782 

Calendar Year January 1, 1787 - December 31, 1787 


Certificate of Interest 
Register’s Certificate @ 6% 


Holland Loan of 1787 

Calendar Year January 1, 1788 - December 31, 1788 


Register’s Certificate @6% 


Holland Loan of 1 787 

Calendar Year January 1, 1789 - December 31, 1789 


Register’s Certificate @ 6% 

Treasury" Bonds: 

Holland Loan of I 788 
I'emporaiy- Loan of 1 789 

Calendar Year January 1, 1790 - December 31, 1790 


Register’s Certificate © 6% 

Treasury^ Bonds: 

Holland Loan of 1790 
Temporary Loan of 1789 
'I'einporaiy Loan of 1790 

Calendar Year January 1, 1791 - December 31, 1791 


Register’s Certificate @6% 

United States Loan Certificate 

Treasury^ Bonds: 

Holland Loan of 1790 
H I >1 1 an d L o a n o f Ma rch 1791 
HDlland Loan of September 1791 
Antwerp Loan of 1791 
Holland Loan of December 1791 

Calendar Year January 1, 1792- December 31, 1792 


Register’s Certificate ® 6% 

United States Loan Certificate 

Treasuiy Bonds: 

Antwerp Loan of 1791 

Holland Loan of December 1791 

I lollaiicl Loan of I 792 

Subscription Loan of 1791 

Temporary" Loan from Bank of North /\jiierica 

Temporaiy' Loan of 1792 

Calendar Year January 1, 1793- December 31, 1793 


United States Loan Certificate 

Paper Money • July/AugList * Whole No. 256 


Treasuiy Bonds; 

Holland Loan of J 792 
Holland Loan of 1793 
TL'iiiporaiy Loan of 1793 

Calendar Year January 1, 1794 - December 31, 1794 


LTniced States Loan Certificate 


United States Loan Certificate 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Na\T 6% Stoct 

8% Loans of 1 798 and 1 800 

Calendar Year January 1, 1801 - December 31, 1801 

Treasury' Bonds; 

Holland Loan of 1794 
Temporaty' Loan of 1 793 
Teinporaiy' Loan from Bank of New York 
T eni po raiy ' Lm n o f M arch 1 7 94 
Temporaty- Loan of December 1 794 

Calendar Year January 1 , 1795 -December 31, 1795 


United Stares Loan Certificate 

Treasury Bonds: 

remporar}' Loan of December 1 794 
Temporary- Loan of Feliruary 1 795 
Temporar)' Loan of March 1795, Series A 
Temporaiy^ Loan of March 1 795, Series B 
Temporaiy' Loan of March 1 795, Series C 
5*5% Stock of 1 795 
4*5% Stock of 1795 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Navy 6% Sttjck 

Calendar Year January 1, 1802 - December 31, 1802 

1^0 issues— 

Calendar Year January 1, 1803 - December 31, 1803 

no issues 

Calendar Year January 1, 1804- December 31, 1804 

Treasuiy Bonds: 

Louisiana 6% Stock 

Calendar Year January 1, 1805 -December 31, 1805 

— iiQ issues 

Calendar Year January 1, 1796 -December 31, 1796 Calendar Year January 1,1806 -December 31, 1806 


United States Loan Certificate **—^**110 issues 

Treasury^ Bonds: 

Teniporan' Loan from Bank of New York 

Calendar Year January 1, 1797 - December 31, 1797 


United States Loan Certificate 

Treasury Bonds; 

6% Loan of 1796 

Calendar Year January 1, 1798 - December 31, 1798 

Treasury Bonds: 

Temporaiy^ Loan of 1798 
Navy 6% Stock 

Calendar Year January 1, 1799 - December 31, 1799 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Navy 6% Stock 
8% Loans of 1798 and 1800 

Calendar Year January 1, 1800- December 31, 1800 

-An Illustrated History of- 

Classic work catalogs variety 
of early U.S. debt obligations 

Former Paper Money Editor Gene Kessler's 37S-page 
standard reference catalogs a variety of U*S. stocks, 
bonds, and other debt obligations from the 
Continental period to the Spanish American War. 
Information on availability of this work can be 
obtained from its author at or 
by writing Gene Kessler, P,0. Box 31144, 
Cincinnati, OH 45231. 


July/August • Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Calendar Year January 1, 1807- December 31, 1807 

Treasur)^ Eondsi 

Exchanged 6% Stock of 1 807 
Converted 6% Stock of 1807 

Calendar Year January 1, 1808 - December 31, 1808 

Treiisurj' Bonds: 

E.vchanged 6% Stock of 1 807 
(converted 6% Stock of 1807 

Calendar Year January 1, 1809 - December 31, 1809 


Calendar Year January 1, 1810 - December 31, 1810 

Treasury Bunds: 

6% Loan of 1810 

Calendar Year January 1, 1811 - December 31, 1811 

no issues 

Calendar Year January 1 , 1812 -December 31, 1812 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Loan of 1812 
Temporary' Loan of 1 8 1 2 
Exchanged Stock of 1 8 1 2 

Treasury Notes: 

T reasury Notes of 1 8 1 2 

Calendar Year January 1, 1813- December 31, 1813 

Treasur)^ Bonds: 

Loan of 1812 
Exchanged Stock of 1812 
S7.5 Million Loan of 1813 
Si 6 Million Loan of 1813 

Treasuiy' Bonds: 

Treasury Notes of 1812 
Trcasur)' Notes of 1813 

Calendar Year January 1, 1814- December 31, 1814 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Loan of 1 8 1 2 
S7.5 .Million Loan of 1813 
SlO Million Loan of 1814 
S6 Million Loan of 1814 
Un designated Loan of 1814 
4diiporaiy Ltian of 1814 

T reas u ry Note s : 

T reasuiy Notes of 1 8 13 
Treasury Notes of March 1814 

Calendar Year January 1, 1815 - December 31, 1815 

Treasury^ Bonds: 

Loan of 18 1 2 
%6 Million Loan of 1814 
Undesignated Loan of 1 814 
T einporary Loan of 1 8 1 4 
Mississippi Stock 
Direct Ta.\ Loan of 181 5 
Temporary^ l^oan of Februarj' 1815 
Loan of 181 5 @ 7% 

Loan {jf 1 8 1 5 @6% 

'Idmporar)' Loan of March 1815 

Treasury Notes: 

Treasiny Notes of March 1814 
Treasuiy Notes of December 1814 
Treasuiy Notes of 1 8 1 5 
Small Treasiirt- Notes of 1815 
T reasury’ Note Stock of 1815 

Paper Money • July/August - Whole No* 256 


Calendar Year January 1, 1816 -December 31, 1816 

Treasury Bonds: 

Undesignated Loan of 1814 
Teniponiry^ Loan of 1814 
Mississippi Stock 

Temporar}^ Loan of Fchruar)- 1815 
Loan of 1815 @ 7% 

Loan of 1815 @6% 

Teinporar)' Loan of March 1815 

Treasury Notes: 

Treasurt^ Notes of 1815 
Small Treasiirv' Notes of 1 8 1 S 
Treasur}" Note Stock of 1 8 1 5 

Calendar Year January 1, 1817 -December 31, 1817 

Treasur\'^ Bonds: 

Mississippi Stock 
Loan of 1815 @7% 

Loan of 1816 

Treasury^ Notes: 

T reasurv" Note Stock of 1 8 1 5 

Calendar Year January 1, 1818 - December 31, 1818 

Treasuiy^ Bonds: 

Mississippi Stock 
Loan of 1815 @ 7 % 

Treasuiy^ Notes: 

T reasury Note Stock of 1 8 1 5 

Calendar Year January 1, 1819 - December 31, 1819 

Treason' Bonds: 

Mississippi Stock 
Loan of 1815 ® 1 % 

Treasury' Notes: 

dVeasuF}' Note Stock of 1815 

Calendar Year January 1, 1820 - December 31, 1820 

Treasuty' Bonds: 

Mississippi Stock 
Loanofl815® 7% 

Loan of 1820 ® 5% 

Loan of 1820 @ 6% 

Treasury' Notes: 

Treasury' Note Stock of 1815 

Calendar Year January 1, 1821 - December 31, 1821 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Loan of 1815 @7% 

Loan of 1821 

Treasury Notes: 

1 Veasuiy' Note Stock of 1815 

Calendar Year January 1, 1822 - December 31, 1822 

Treasury^ Bonds: 

Loan of 1815 7% 

Treasury' Notes: 

Treasury' Note Stock of 1815 

Calendar Year January 1, 1823 - December 31, 1823 

Tr e a s u ry ' Notes : 

Loan of 1 81 5 @7% 

Treasury Notes: 

Treasury^ Note Stock of 1815 

Calendar Year January 1 , 1824 - December 31 , 1 824 

Treasurj" Bonds: 

Loan of 18) 5 @7% 

Loan of May 1824 
Exchanged Stock of 1824 

Treasury' Notes: 

Treasury' Note Stock of 181 5 

Calendar Year January 1, 1825 - December 31, 1825 

Treasuiy Bonds: 

Loan of 181 5 @7% 

Exchanged Stock of 1824 
Loan of May 26, 1824 

Treasury^ Notes: 

Treasury Note Stock of 1815 

Calendar Year January 1, 1826 - December 31, 1826 

Treasury^ Bonds: 

Exchanged Stock of 1825 

Calendar Year January 1, 1827 - December 31, 1827 

no issues— - 

Calendar Year January 1, 1828 - December 31, 1828 


Calendar Year January 1, 1829 - December 31, 1829 

— no issues 

Calendar Year January 1, 1830 - December 31, 1830 

—no issues- 


July/August • Whofe No. 256 ■ Paper Money 

Calendar Year January 1, 1831 - December 31, 1831 

ni) issues- 

Calendar Year January 1, 1832 - December 31, 1832 

no issues 

Calendar Year January 1, 1833 - December 31, 1833 

no \ssuQS 

Calendar Year January 1, 1834- December 31, 1834 

no issut’s 

Calendar Year January 1, 1835 - December 31, 1835 

no issues 

Calendar Year January 1, 1836 - December 31, 1836 

no — 

Calendar Year January 1, 1837 - December 31, 1837 

Treasury^ Notes: 

Trciisury' Notes of 1837 

Calendar Year January 1 , 1838 - December 31, 1 838 

Treasury Notes: 

Treason^ Notes of 1837 
Treasury Notes of 1838 

Calendar Year January 1, 1839 - December 31, 1839 

Treasury- Notes: 

Treasuiy Notes of 1 R 39 

Calendar Year January 1, 1840 - December 31, 1840 

Treasury' Notesi 

'rreasury- Notes of 1 840 

Calendar Year January 1, 1841 - December 31, 1841 

T rcasury Bonds; 

Loan of 1841 

Treasury' Notes: 

Treasury Notes of 1 840 
Treasury Notes of 1841 

Calendar Year January 1, 1842 - December 31, 1842 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Loan of 1841 
Loan of 1842 

Treasury^ Notes: 

Treasury^ Notes of 1841 
Treasury^ Notes of Januaiy 1842 
Treasury Notes of August 1842 

Transition Year January 1, 1843 - June 30, 1843 

Treasury^ Bonds: 

Loan of 1 842 
Loan of 1 843 

Trcasujy Notes: 

Treasury^ Notes ofjanuaiy 1842 
Trcasiny Notes of August 1 842 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1843 - June 30, 1844 

Treasury Bonds; 

Loan of 1 843 

T reasury^ Notes: 

Treasuiy Notes of 1843 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1844 - June 30, 1 845 

no issues- 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1845 - June 30, 1846 

no issues- 

Paper Money * July/August * Whole No. 256 


On This Date in Paper Money History -- July 2008 

By Fred Reed ® 

iuly f 

} B34, Ui'i Woodbury ortice as TreasuA' Secret ry. 1 [i63^ F3^B d PhiLidelphta 
becomes second naibnaf bank !o open for business; 1907, Congress curtails inieresf 
on Ui. SIO Tiekinding Certilicaies, capping value at S21 .10; 


177b. flozen Colonies delegates vote lor Indei^eridence <NV al^lainsi selling slage for 
Declaraiion PresentalEon commemorated by Trumbull's depiclion on Bicentennial S2 
duece: 1951. punched cards replace |)a|Der Postal Noles; 

Iuly 3 

1793, Thomas JerTerson's personal check on the Bank oi Uniloct States lo blackmailer 
lames Revnolds for S99.53 buys details on Alexander Ham il Ion's peccadilloes with 
Rex nolds’ wife Maria; 1819. Bank for Savings opens in New York Cilv; 

Inly 4 

1821. John Lash of NYC indicted for possessing forged bnk notes: 1928, Sullivan, ll 
issues handbills on backs of replica 1864 CSA notes lor its palriotic celehration; 

}uty 5 

1 801, naval hero David Farragut (FR 377-3781 born; 1926, banknote engraver 
Kenneih Guylxjm; 1927, Rochester, NY Numismatic Assn. ado|)ls rules of conduct 
dratled by collector-evangelist Billy Sunday; 

Iuly 6 

1785, Coniinentai Congress establishes rfollar as unit of account: 2004. “Confederale 
Currencv: the Color of Money" exhibil opens in Durham, NC museum: 


1862, ^Vew York World noles circulation oi shinplasiers in the city : 1863, Cambridge, 
MA inventor Levi L. Tower patents currency and stamp box: 1 876, Treasury' Secretary 
Lul M. Morriiks term logins: 

Iuly 8 

1765, Georgia Colonials (FR GA44) bears this date: 1875, George W. Casilear files for 
patent for improved saiely-paper to foil altering of printed stamps or notes: 

July 9 

1828, Gilbert Sluarl, whose Athenaeum porirail of George Washington was engraved 
for U.S. currency, dies; 1969, firsi delivery of Series 1 969 S50 FRKs; 

Iuly 10 

1 B7D, National Banks chartered after this date limited to issue no more lhan $500,000 
in National Currency; 1929, first current sized U.S. currency. Series 1928 Tale-Mellon 
S2 US Notes, placed into circulation; 

Iuly n 

1 862^ Congress appropriates $300,000 for detection and bringing to trial currency and 
coin counterfeiters: 1914. 'First" CSA currency collector Robert Alonzo Brock dies; 

July 12 

1862, American Bank Note Co. wins medal at Iniernaiional Exhibition in London, 
England for excellence in design^ printing currcncv notes; 1908, banknote designer 
Henrv Herrick dies; 

July 13 

1928, noted paper money researcher/author Gene Messier horn; 1967, S(?crct Service 
anci Treasury Dept, [lermit "Celebrity Cash" t superimposition of picture over engraved 
portrait on U.$. currencv'l as a novelty, according to the trade; 
fuly U 

T869, Fourth Issue of Fracrional Currency commences, according lo U.S, Treasurer 

Historically since 1933, 
the largest purchaser 
of rare American paper 
currency , , , CALL 

las. Gi in flan; 1934, The book Imco/n Legal Tender Money by Ben Spear copyrighted; 
July 15 

1929, first small-sized Series 1929 National Currency issued: 1942, BEP sends second 
shipment of S5 HAWAII emergency noles (o Treasury Department; 

July 16 

1824, political cconomisi and U.S. Commissioner of Rev^enue Tench Coxe dies: 1992 
Currenc/es and Crises by Paul R. Krugmnn copyrighted; 

/ui y 7 7 

1861, Congress authorizes Demand Notes iFR M 5); 1930, Congress initFates inve.sii- 
gation of employee utilization in Executive Departments and agencies such as BEP: 
Iuly 18 

1892, traveler's check namessake Thomas Cook dies in Leicestershire, England: 1894 
first BEP-produced U.S. postage stamps honoring lames A. Garfield placed on sale: 

Iuly 19 

1788, Paris Slock market plunges; 1905. ABNCo hires outside accounting firm to 
supeA'ise the lx 3 oks; 1973, Check Collectors Round Table founded; 
fuly 20 

1873, Treasury' Secreiary determines henceiorlh term "United Slates Notes ' will 
replace ' Legal Tender Notes;" 1952, ANA Presideni T. lames Clarke dies; 
iuly 21 

1861, Confederate currency subject Thomas lackson earns nickname ’'Stanevvall’ at 
Bull Run; 1873, |esse james commits world's first train robbery at Adair, I A; 

Iuly 22 

1846, Congress authorizes one-year interest-bearing notes lo finance the Mexican 
War. 1935, expiration dale of Ixjncis backing circulalion of NaEionat Bank Notes; 

Iuly 23 

1844, paper money and U.S. Mini Chief Cngraver Christian Cobrecht dies; 1946, end 
of Vtnsondulian combined tenure as Treasury Secretary' and Treasurer; 

July 24 

1866, Comptroller (tI Currency Freeman Clarke leaves office; 1955, Bank Note 
Reporter Execuiive Editor David Harper (xjrn; 

/4 25 

1861, ABNCo coniracts with Treasury Depl, to prim treasury notes; 2005, United 
Kingdom Treasury depart meni proposes new rules for Scottish and Irish Bank Notes; 
July 26 

1 858, Minnesota legislature passes banking law authorizing l>anks of issue; 1918, size 
of note sheets printed at BEP increases from four subjecis to eighi subjects; 

July 27 

1923, Koenigsiein on the Elbe. Germany issues notgeld 100.000-one billion marks; 
1984. American Bankers Assm copyrights "Small Bank DireclorsKip": 
fuly 28 

1950, paper money dealer Lyn F. Knighi lx)m: 1984. BEP souvenir card for ANA show 
reproduces Series 1 882 Abe Lincoln S500 Gold Certificate face; 

July 29 

1894, New York Hmes reports from Treasury insiders that portrait of Cofumhia on new 
SlOfH) Silver Certificate "was taken from a photograph of |osie Mansfield": 1980, 
Pancho Villa's paymaster & currencv printer. Mexican numismaiist Dr. Alberto 
Francisco Pradeau dies: 
fuly 30 

1739, subscribers to the Massachusetls Land Bank Scheme form a Com|>any, choose 
lohn Colman as Treasurer and brewer Samuel Adams and others as directors; 1956, 
Congress and Presideni establish "In God We Trust" as our national mol to; 
fufy 31 

1 868, first use of the nan^e Bureau of Engraving and Priming; 1942. japanese militaA 
decrees "enemy lianks"* in Manila be liquidatiKi; 


July/August * Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1846 - June 30, 1 847 

Xreasory Bonds: 

Loan of 1 846 
Mexican Indemnity Slock 
Loan of 1 847 
Bounty Land Script 

T reasuiy Notes; 

T reasuty Notes of 1 846 
Treasiir}' Notes of 1847 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1847 - June 30, 1848 

TreasiiiT Notes; 

Tie a SUIT Notes of 1847 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1849 - June 30, 1850 

Trcasurj^ Bonds; 

Loan of 1847 
Loan of 1 84 B 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1850 - June 30, 1851 

IVeasury Bonds: 

Loan of 1 847 
'rexan Indemnity Stock 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1851 - June 30, 1852 

Treasury' Bonds; 

Loan of 1847 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1 852 - June 30, 1 853 

Treasuiy Bonds: 

Loan of 1 847 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1853 - June 30, 1854 

Treasuty Bonds; 

Loan of 1847 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Loan of 1 846 
A 1 e xi ca n I ndcmii i ty S toe k 
Loan of 1 847 
Bounty Land Script 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1854- June 30, 1855 

Treasuty Bonds: 

Loan of 1 847 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1855 - June 30, 1856 

I'rea Silty Bonds; 

Loan of 1 847 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1856 - June 30, 1857 

Treasuiy Bonds: 

1 .oan of ! 847 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1857- June 30, 1858 

Treasuty Notes: 

Treasury Notes of 1846 
Treasur)^ Notes of 1847 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1848- June 30, 1849 

Treasur)" Bonds: 

Loan of 1 847 
Loan of 1 848 
Bounty Land Script 

Treasuiy Bonds: 

Loan of 1847 

Treasury' Notes; 

Treasury' Notes of 1 857 

FiscalYear July 1, 1858 -June 30, 1859 

Treasuiy Bonds; 

Loan of 1 847 
Loan of 1 858 

Paper Money ■ July/August • Whole No, 256 


On This Date in Paper Money History — August 2008 

By Fred Reed ® 

Aug. r 

1862, $ 1 ^nd S2 Legal Tender Notes bear this printed date: 1 866. egregious 1 0% 
Federal tax on state-chartered banknotes takes eftect; 

Aug. 2 

1813, Congress taxes bank note circulation t-2 percent: 19T1, Thoniias Edison releases 
his film Mone^' to 
-Aug. J 

1873, Fr-n79 Dexter SO-cent notes first issued: 1914. ComptrolJer of Currency 
approves first application for note issue under Aldrich-Vreeland Act of May 20, 1908; 

Aug. 4 

1386, Congress authorizes additional Silver Certificates, including small denomination 
notes: 1954. Cleveland Federal Reseo-'e Bank President Aandra Pianalto l>orn: 


1861, CSA District Attorney at Charleston, SC warns against "trading ^vith the enemy "; 
193C German banks reopen following seven^day bank holiday; 

.Aug. 6 

1 846, Second Independent Treasury^ Act provides for assistant treasurers at NYC. 
Boston, Charleston & St. Louis: 1956, banknote engraver Elie Timothee Loizeaux dies; 
Aug. 7 

1928, Treasury unveils new small size currency: 1969, second D,C. Wismer-Hlizabeth 
Qsmun Collection sale of obsolete paper money; 

Aug, B 

1865, LLS, Treasury denies reports that courtterfeil national bank notes are in circufa* 
tion, afso discredits reports that Si legal tenders have tieen counledeiled; !929, wood- 
en fiat commemorates Salem, OR American Legion Convention; 

Aug. 9 

1861, Treasury Secretary Chase writes President Lincoln that he is "obliged to go to 
New York today to arrange for loan; 197B, A Collector's Guide to Paper Money by 
Yasha Beresiner copyrighted; 

Aug. 10 

1871, f^VT publishes "'Spurious Money: A List of the Most Dangerous Counterfeits now 
in Circulation''; 1914, Charles S. Hamlin begins tenure as first Fed Board Chairman ; 
Aug. Tl 

1794, paper money/Mini Chief Engraver lames B. Longacre born; 1967, SPMC pre- 
sents first Awards of Merit to Harley Freeman, Barliara Mueller and Nathan Goldstein; 
Aug. 12 

1823, City Council of St. Augustine, FL authorizes municipal scrip signed by mayor 
and treasurer; 1969, first BEPAssued numismatic souvenir card released during ANA 
Philadelphia conventior); 

Aug. IJ 

1841, Independent Treasury Act is repealed leaving federal government without a 
banking system for next five yea5; 1985, Crane & Co. receives patent 4534398 for 
counterfeit deterrent optically active security paper; 

Au^. 14 

1901, Ernest Ashton Smith publishes his monumental H/siory of lire Confederate 
Treasury: 1989, Treasury^ Secretary Robert B. Anderson dies; 

Aug. TJ 

1876, Act abolishes position of assistant treasurer at Charleston, SC; 1942, only 
HAWAII overprinted notes valid in the Islands without special license: 

Historically since 1933, 
the largest purchaser ot 
rare Ainertoark paper 
currency . . . CALL 

Aug. JB 

1 787, Constitution Convention strikes language authorizing Congress to emit bills of 
cre<lit; 1979. 5 PMC's hdiana Obsoieie Notes and Scrip hv Wendell Wolka, jack 
Vnrhies and Don Schramm copyrighted; 

Aug. 17 

1869, U.S. Treasurer F.E. Spinner receives a 'half counierfeit" SI 0 greenback comp- 
tsed of 'equal jwrtlons of genuine and counerfeit notes, w^hich had been cut and past- 
ed together"; 1998, Russia devalues the ruble; 

Aug. 18 

1862, CSA President jelferson Davis decries northerners supplying federal troops with 
counierteil CSA currency; 1972. SPMC President Roy Pennell unveils new Society 
logo, curtchKy peeled from printing plate by Forrest Daniel and Brent Hughes: 

Aug. t9 

1861, CSA authorizes Treasury' Notes payable six months alter peace treaty with U.S.: 
1980, SPMC celebrates 2Qth anniversary at ANA led by President Wendell Wolka: 

Aug. 20 

1927, Irish Currency Act authorizes gold coins & legal tender issue of currency notes: 
19811 Fred Sc h wan speaks at SPMC awards breakfast at ANA Cincinnati convention; 
Aug. 21 

1894, BEP Chief Claude M. johnson writes artist George W. Maynard he will consider 
any designs he may submit for the Educational Notes series; 1970. SPMC awards hon- 
omry life meml>ership5 to BEP Director James Con Ion and Barbara Mueller; 

Aug. 22 

1903, BEP ships first small size currency t Philippine peso notes i to San Francisco; 

1925, Treasury serial numbers discontinued on National Currency; 1968, SPMC pre- 
sents Awards of Merit to authors William P, Donlon, Neil Shafer and Tedd Kemm: 

Aug. 23 

1914, ANA President appoints committee to define "numismatic"; 1975, Eric 
Newman's "As Phony as a Three Dollar Bill"" receives Heath Literary bronze medal: 
Aug. 24 

1983, Charles Henry Smith, a.k.a. "'Bill Arp," Georgia cracker humorist and ofttimes 
paper money' critic, dies: 1973, SPMC raises dues to SS/year; 

Aug. 25 

1918, Rod Le Rocque's silent film mystery' Money Mad released to public; 1965. BEP 
Director Henr^ Holtzclaw announces a new visitors gallery at the bureau; 

Aug. 26 

1921, Tliomas Elder sells Lewis C. Gehring paper money collection; 1976. BNR 
Publisher Austin Sbeheen offers SPMC one page in each issue as a membership tool; 
Aug. 27 

1942, National Bank Note researcher/author Peter Hun toon born; 1965. SPMC confers 
first "Outstanding Service Awards" on Tom Bain. Elizabeth Smart, and George Wail; 
Aug. 28 

1846, BEP engraver Robert Ponickau born; 1925, Banco de Mexico founded; 1957. 
pioneer paper money collector Rol>erl F. Schermerhorr^ dies; 

Aug. 29 

1861, CSA Act requires postmasters to take Confederate currency in payment: 1862, 
N>T re|>orts on the appearance of the "new postage stamp notes": 

Aug. 30 

1801, Colonial paper money enthusiast loshua L Cohen born; 1862 New York 
Tribune Editor Horace Greeley praises encased stamps as substitute tor silver coins; 
Aug. 31 

1861, to avert small currency crisis in South. Georgia and South Carolina banks offer 
loan of their small bills to CSA Treasury': 1964, Federal Food Stamp Act provides for 
commodity redistribution to poor: 1971 , U.S, Treasurer reports 144,696 SI United 
States Notes outstanding; ^ 


July/August • Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Xrcasury Notes: 

IVeasLin^ Notes of 1 857 

Fiscal Year JulyI, 1859 -June 30, 1860 

Treasury' Bonds; 

Five~ r\veiuies of 1862 
I^oan of Fehruim^ 1B61 
Loan of July anti August 1861 
Oi'Cgon W'ar Debt 

Trensun' Bonds; 

Loan of 1847 
Loan of 1 858 

Treasury Notes: 

Treason^ Notes of 1 H57 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1860 -June 30, 1861 

Treasury Bonds; 

Loan of 1 860 
Loan of February 1861 

T rea s u n' Notes; 

Treasuf}- Notes of 1 860 
Treason^ Notes of 1861 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1861 - June 30, 1862 

Certificates of Deposit: 

l’eniporar\" Loan of 1 862 

Certificates of Indebtedness: 

Certificates of Indebtedness of 1 H62 


Linited States Notes 
Old Demand Notes 

Treasury' Notes; 

Sc veil “Thirties of 1861 
Treasuiy Notes of 1 86 1 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1862 - June 30, 1863 

Certificates of Deposit; 

4'emporary Loan of 1862 

Certificates of Indebtedness: 

Certificates of Indebtedness of 1862 


Fra c ti on a I Cii rren cy 
U n i ted S ca tes No ces 


Treasuiy Bonds: 

Five-Twenties of 1862 
Loan of f Illy and August 1861 
Oregon \A’ar Debt 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No, 256 

Treasury' Notes^ 

ScV'Cn -Thirties of 1861 
Treasurt' Notes of 1 86 1 

FiscalYear July 1, 1863 -June 30, 1864 

Certificates of Depositr 

I emporaiy Loan of 1862 

Certificates of Indebtedness: 

Certificates of Indebtedness of I B62 


Fractional Currency 
Lhiited States Notes 

Trcasuiy Bonds: 

Five -Twenties of 1862 
Loan of July and August 1861 
Loan on863 
"Fen-Forties of 1864 

Treasun' Notes: 

Co 111 poll 11 d 1 II tercst N o te 
One- Year Notes of 1863 
Two-Year Notes of 1863 


Fiscal Year July 1, 1864 - June 30, 1865 

Cerrificates of Deposit: 

'Femporart- Loan of 1862 

Certificates of Indebtedness: 

Certificates of Indebtedness of 1862 


F tact i o II a 1 Cur re n cy 
United States Notes 

Treasuiy Bonds: 

Five -Twenties of 1862 
F i ve -T^ ve n ti es o f J u ne 1864 
Loan of 1 863 

Lt>an of July and August 1 861 
Navy Pension Fund 
"Fen-Forties of 1 864 

Treasun' Notes: 

CIo m po unci In te res t N ore 
Sevcn- Fliirties of 1864 and 1 865 

Fiscal Year July 1 , 1 865 - June 30, 1 866 

Certificates of Deposit: 

I'emporiir>' Loan of 1862 

Certificates of Indebtedness: 

Certificates of Indebtedness of 1862 


F r a c d on a i Cu r r e iicy 
G<ild Certificates 
United States Notes 

Treasurj' Bonds: 

Fh'e-' I w'enties of Ma tch 1 864 
Five-Twenties of June 1864 
Five-"r wen ties of 1865 
Loan of 1 863 

Loan of July and August 1861 
Navy Pension Fund 
Ten -Forties of 1 864 

Treasuiy- Notes: 

Coni pound Interest Note 
Seven -thirties of 1 864 and 1 865 


July/ August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1866- June 30, 1867 

Ccrti6cates of Deposit; 

Temporaiy Loan of 1862 


Fractional Currency 
Gold Certificates 
L'nited States Notes 

T re as ur}' B o nds; 

Consols of 1865 
F i ve -T we nt i e s o f J nn e 1 864 
Five -Twenties of 1865 
Loan of J86.^ 

Loan ofjuly and Aii^st 1861 
Naw Pension Fund 
Ten-Forties of I86>4 

Treasury^ Notes: 

Compound Interest Note 
Seven -Thirties of 1 864 and 1 865 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1867 - June 30, 1868 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Three Per Cent Certificates 


Fractional CiiiTency 
Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Consols of 1 865 
Consols of 1 867 
Consols of 1868 
Five-Twenties of June 1864 
Five-Twenties of 1865 
Loan ofjuly and Aii^st 1861 
Navy Pension Fund 
Ten-Forties of 1864 

Treasurj'^ Notes: 

Seven-Thirties of 1 864 and 1 865 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1868 - June 30, 1869 

Certificates of Deposit; 

Three Per Cent Certificates 


Fractional Currency 
Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 

Treasury Bonds: 

Consols of 1 865 
Consols of 1 867 
Consols of 1 868 
Five-Twenties of 1865 
l .oan of 1 863 

Loan ofjuly and Augtist 1861 
Na’vy Pension Fund 
Ten-Forties of 1864 

Treasury Notes: 

Seven -Thirties of 186>4 and 1865 

FiscalYear July 1, 1869 -June 30, 1870 

Certificates of Deposit: 

4 Tree Per Cent Certificates 


Fractional Currency 
Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 

Treasury Bonds: 

Consols of 1 867 

l^oan ofjuly and August 1861 

FiscalYear July 1, 1870 - June 30, 1871 

Certificates of Deposit: 

ITree Per Cent C^emficates 

Certificates of Indebtedness: 

Certificates of Indebtedness of 1870 


Fractional Currency 
Gobi Certificates 
United States Notes 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


Treasur).- Bonds: 

Consols of 1 867 
Funded Loan of 1881 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1 871 - June 30, 1 872 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Three Per Cent Certificates 


Fractional Currency 
Gold Certificates 
V n i ted S ta tes N o tes 

Treason' Bonds: 

Consols of 1867 

Funded Loan of 1881 

Loan of july and August 1861 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1872- June 30, 1873 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Three Per Cent C7ertificates 


F'ractional Currency 
Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Loan ofjuly and August 1861 
Consols of 1 867 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1873- June 30, 1874 


Fractional Currency 
Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Funded Loan of 1881 
Consols of 1867 

Fiscal Year July 1 , 1 874 - June 30, 1 875 


Fractional Currency 
Gold Certificates 
U n i te d S ta tes N otes 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Funded Loan of 1 88 1 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1875 -June 30, 1876 


Fractional Currency 
Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Funded Loan of 1881 

Fiscal Year July 1 , 1 876 - June 30, 1 877 


Gold e rti ficates 
Ldiitcd States Notes 

Treasuiy Bonds: 

Funded Loan of 1881 
F unded Loan of 189] 

Fiscal Year July 1 , 1 877 - June 30, 1 878 


Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Consols of 1 867 
Funtlcd Loan of 1 89 1 
Funded Loan of 1907 

Fiscal Year July 1 , 1 878 - June 30, 1 879 

Certificates of Deposit: 
ReRmding Certificates 


Gold Certificates 
Lhiited States Notes 
Silver CLerdficates 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Inmded Loan of 1 89 1 
F’unded Loan of 1907 


July/August - Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1879- June 30, 1880 

Cei-tificates of Deposit: 

Refunding Certificates 


CaoitI Certificates 
United States X-otes 
Silver Certificates 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Funded Loan tjf 1907 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1880- June 30, 1881 


Gold Certificates 
U n i ted S ta tes X'^otcs 
Silver Certificates 

Treasury Bonds; 

Loan otjuly anci August Continued 

T reasur>' Bonds: 

Funded Ltian of 1 907 
Loan t>f 1882 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1883 - June 30, 1884 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit ® 0%» Series 1875 


Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1884 - June 30, 1885 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit @ 0%» Series 1875 


Ciold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1881 - June 30, 1882 

Ceitificatcs of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit @ 0%, Series 1875 


Gold Certificates 
Luiited States Notes 
Silver Certificates 

Treasun' Bonds: 

Funded Loan of 1881, continued, Series 1878 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1882 - June 30, 1883 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit @ 0%, Series 1872 


Gold Cei tificates 
United States Notes 
S i I ve r Ce rti fi ca te s 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1885- June 30, 1886 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit @ 0%, Series 1 875 


Gtjld Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1886- June 30, 1887 

Ceitificates of Deposit: 

C^ertificate of Deposit @ 0%, Series 1 875 


Gc^ld Certificates 
United States X^otes 
Silver Certificates 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1887 - June 30, 1888 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit ® U%, Series 1875 


Cold Certificates 
U 11 i ted S ta tes X^o tes 
Silver Certificates 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1888 ^ June 30, 1889 

Ceitificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit® 0%, Series 1875 

Paper Money * July/August • Whole No. 256 





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July/August * Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 


Gold Cemficates 
United Smtes Notes 
Silver Cerdfici^ces 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1889 - June 30, 1890 

Certificates of Deposit; 

Certificate of Deposit @ 0%» Scries 1875 


Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 
Treasuiy Notes of 1890 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1890 - June 30, 1891 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit® 0%, Series 1875 


Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 
Treasun' Notes of 1890 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1891 - June 30, 1 892 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit @ 0%, Scries 1875 


Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 
Treasury Notes of 1 890 

Treasury- Bonds; 

Funded Loan of 1891, Continued 

Treasury Notes: 

Funded Loan of 1907 

Fiscal Year July 1 , 1 892 - June 30, 1 893 


Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 
Treasury Notes of 1890 

Treasur}' Bonds: 

Funded Loan of 1 907 

Treasury' Notes: 

Treasuiy' Notes of 1890 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1893 - June 30, 1894 

Ccilifi cates of Deposit; 

Certificate of Deposit ® 0%, Series 1875 


Gold Certificates 
LJnited States Notes 
Silver Certificates 
Treasuiy Notes of 1890 

Treasury Bonds: 

Funded Loan of 1907 
Loan of 1 904 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1894- June 30, 1895 

Certificates of Deposit; 

Certificate of Deposit @ 0%, Series 1875 

Certificates of Indebtedness: 

Cherokee Certificate of Indebtedness 


Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 
Treasuiy' Notes of 1890 

Treasuiy' Bonds: 

Funded Loan of 1907 
Loan of 1904 
Loan of 1925 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Certificate of Deposit ® 0%, Series 1 875 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 





Thanks to our 
Service Men and Women! 

chat rime of year where we give thanks to all of our ser- 
vice men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice 
for our freedom. It is also coming up on Independence 
Day, where we celebrate the freedoms we have. I would 
like to expand that and say a big TH.ANK YOU ro all who 
have sen ed or are sennng. Without those remarkable peo- 
ple who have unselfishly accepted the job ot protecting us 
and our furure, we could not enjoy our hobb}^ w ithout fear 
of reprisal or confiscation of our stuff Yes, that is w hat w e 
have is stuff Think of what they think is important coin- 
pared with what we think is important. None of us have 
ever had to live in harms way' to pursue char elusive note or 
other item. They on the other hand, live in a constant 
state of concern for their well-being and can’t wait for a 
hot meal and shower. We owe them so much, both past 
and present. There are many times that w'e all take our 
freedom for granted, and this is solely a result ol their sac- 
rifices. I look at the changing world and the incredible 
challenges chat Brandon {my son) will he lacing and am so 
grateful that he will not have to worry about his freedom. 
So, thank a veteran or current member of our armed ser- 
vices. On behalf of the SPMC, I say 11 lANKS and job 
Well Done! 

I would like to give you a report on Memphis, but due 
to the lead rime of my column, we are still about one 
month away from the show*. I do hope it turned out as 
good as it xvas planned! I do kiitnv the hobby is still hot in 
spite of the financial difficulties that are facing all of us. 
Gas is now S3.S5 a gallon and bread has skyrocketed. I just 
w onder where it wdll all level off, and am really' looking lot- 
ward to them going back down. I w^as at the Texas 
Numismatic Association last tveekend and toot tratMc 
seemed good, 1 did not notice an appreciable hi! I off from 
last year. I had two full cases of Pdper Mouey magazines 
and they were all gone in a day and a half! So, on that 
note, I bid you all adieu and hope all y^our days are sunny, a 
smile is on your face and y^ou find all those notes y^ou need 
for half-price (unless you are a dealer and then sell them at 


$$ money mart 

Paper Money will accepl class! Heel advertising on a basis of ISe per word 
(minimum charge ol' $3.7.i). Commercial word ads are now allowed, Word 
count: Name and arkiress couni as five words. All oiher words and abbrevia- 
lions, figure combinations and iniltals couni as separate words. No checking 
copies. 10% discnunl for lour or more inserlions of the same copy. Authors 
are also offered a free ihree'llne dasstfied ad in recogniiion of iheir contrrbu- 
lion lo the Society. These ads are denoted by lAi and are run on a space 
available basis. 

Speda/; Three Une ad for six issues = otdy $20.50! 


YQUR WORD AD could appear right here in each issue of Paper Mone). 
You could advertise your duplictes inexpensively, or advert rse your Want 
List for only $20,50 for Ihree lines for an entire year. Don't wait: i PMi 

COLLECTOR BUYING AND SELLING published U.S. National Bank 
Histories and other publications! Offer what you have: send your "Want 
List/ Hob Cochran, PO Box 1085, Florissant MO 63031 iPROUD SPM- 
CLiViritj.t f258i 


LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip, checks, 
CD Vs, engraved/lilhographed ephemera, etc. w'ith images of Abraham 
Lincoln for book on same. ContacI Fred Reed at P.O. Box 118162, 
Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or (258f 

became Edilor back to 19G0s Si 1970s. I bought these filling sets. Fill your 
needs now. E-mail me tTeed3€'a & HI sell you what J got! (258) 

WANTED: Notes from ihe Slate Bank of Indiana, Bank of the Slate of 
Indiana, anrl related documents, reports, and other items. Write vvith descrip- 
tion (include pholocopy it possiblet first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211, 
Greenwood, IN 46142 f258t 


leasing, law, bail bonds, banking, accounting, royalties, insurance, mort- 
gages, etc. tBl 8) 902-0532 t254.i 

banks tColchesler, jewell C\ly\ Mystic, New London, NonAlcb, Pawcatuck, 
StoningionK Also 1732 notes by New London Society United for Trade and 
Commerce and FNB of Tahoka Nationals ^8597. David Hinkle, 215 
Pa r k way Nor I h . Water for d, CT 0 6.3 8 5 , 1 2 54 1 

mail or write lo: edpognt@roadrunner.coni or Don Latino, 1405 Cape Si., 
Easi Lee, MA 01238 (256) 

Charter ^10295. Neil Schrader, 3320 Mlnglewood Dr.. Beaumont, TX 
77703-2734 (256) 

Permanent Wants; 

Paper Money Editor desires 
Articles on small size U.S. currency 
What are YOU waiting for? 

Or short articles 
on ANY paper money subject 
Experts & novices alike welcome 


July/August * Whole No. 256 - Paper Money 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1895- June 30, 1896 Fiscal Year July 1, 1897- June 30, 1898 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Cert ill cate of l>epDsir @ 0%^ Series 1875 

Certificates of Deposit: 

Cerdficaic of Deposit ® 0%, Series 1875 


Gold Certificates 
United Stares Notes 
Silver Certificates 

Treasury' Bonds: 

Loan of 1925 

Fiscal Year July 1, 1896 - June 30, 1897 


G o Id Ce rti fi cates 
United States Notes 
Silver C]ertificatcs 


Gold Certificates 
United States Notes 
Silver Certificates 
rreasiiri' Notes of 1890 

Treasur)" Bonds: 

Fiin<ictl Loan of 1907 


Merchant and Company Store 

Paper Scrip 

By Dennis Schafluetzel and Tom Carson 

M oney has alw ays been a probleai in 

fennessee. In early Tennessee, |ielcs, tobacco and otber com- 
inotlities were often the money, due to the shortage of U.S. and 
foreign coinage, d'he lack of specie and the problems of finding 
suitable Q'lides impeded commerce. The early bajiks in 
Tennessee usually only issued Si or higher bills. 'This 
left a void chat was filled by merchants issuing small 
denomination notes. 

The authors have produced an e-hook on 
Tennessee Merchant and Company Store 
Scrip. Information about the project can 
be found at 

w w w , sc ha f I u et zel . o rg/T N _Me rc h an t/T N _ 


. - i; 

irrslg ^ • 



m -L a 

Paper Money ■ July/August * Whole No. 256 


• • 

‘ # # # 

" CliuHie ^v ti inilt'Criu* .: ~ 

1 I'llOML'.K TO I’AV 'luiv: llEAUHtl 


* *_ i 

X 5 

t 'nv^:],vE,.'tA 


II \jr CENTS. 

iijxhM‘r:s ■ >Z 

■--JlVlir.S A.*^ V >‘oi' l.i:s^ TII-'.N ••VK' “r* * 

I ~ • ' 2; * 

• * DOLI.AH i« rjt^*s;.'.ri.[i !ir fTtfH: ITJWAfjai'L t Sf 

/ ■ f. A' / 

** - .■■.■■m. ■ . 

The earliest merchant scrip in F'ennessee had coins embedded in the phi re 
to let the receiver know that the issuer had nione}'. d'his note was issued by 
John Walker, Jn at his ferry on the Iliwassee River. 

Walker met and was impressed with John Calhoun and named his com- 
muniiy^ Calhoun in his honor. For years the Walker note was considered a 
Xorth Carolina note until our research attributed it to Tennessee* 

d'be United States eased the coinage shortage, but hoarding during the 
hard times of 1837, and the Panic of 1857, necessitated issuance ot notes by 
prominent people in the communin' to facilitate commerce. 

The Civil War caused major problems m ith smaller transactions. Early in 
the Uhir the Confederacy only printed $5 notes (>r higher. Attempts to issue 
coins resulted in only four half dollars and rvvelve-cent coins. During this peri- 
od, merchants, railroads, counties and others issued small denomination change 

In most Southern states the state issued notes, but not Tennessee, Robert 
Wliice in Tennessee Its Groirth and Progress (P^39) illustrated a merchant change 
note as a Tennessee state issue. The illustrated note was identical to the note 
shown here except serial number 28, W'hite also illustrated a 5 -cent 
Cumberland Iron Wforks note in the book. I le did not a i tribute the note, so we 
suspect it belonged to him. Please find it lor us! 

After the Civil War, ciries, counties and even 'Fennessee issued scrip or 
warrants due to the shortage ul currency, d ennessee hac.1 to issue warrants to 
redeem the bonds issued hy the Radical Reconstruction government* d he 1 87()s 
Chattanooga issue of notes was declared unconstitutional, srop]Mng local gov- 
ernment issues, d'he Chattanooga notes are in our e-book, Cbatwnoo^^n Money, 
d he other cities and counties will be in a Kiturc edition. 


Jufy/August • Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

After the Civil War, miicli of the scrip was issued for use in the coiiipa- 
nv score. I he Federal Government actively discouraged private issue money by 
heavy taxes, ddiis led to the disclaimer “Not intended as a Circulating 

By 1900 die issuance of paper scrip had mostly been replaced by metal 
tokens that lasted longer. I'here were paper exanipies that mimicked punch 
cards where the purchase was punched or strips of paper chits. Linda Parker ot 
the Dickson County Archives found tour inches of i937 scrip issued by finan- 
cially troubled Warner Iron Company at Cumberland Furnace. Imagine being 

paid in scrip that was redeemable in 24 months, Warner issued scrip at 
Riverside in 1917 and Warner in 1881. Warner also issued scrip as Southern 
Iron Works in Warner in 1893. The later issues from Cumberland Furnace are 
ugly compared to the 1880s issues of Drouillard Iron Company at Cumberland 

The first edition is nearing completion. Spink Smythe has been wonderful 
in furnishing high resolution scans of the Sedman notes from the Schingoethe 
Collection, plus the other notes that Herb and Martha acquired. Numerous 
collections have been searched and each new holding contains 50+% discoven' 

notes. Fhe Tennessee State Museum only has 8 notes, but all were discoveries. 
The Smithsonian has five discover^' notes. The Museum of the Confederacy 
furnished 10 notes. All collectors, PLEASE search your collection and see it 
you have discoveiy notes. Ycui can view the 600+ notes at http://\™^v.schafluet“ The password is SPMC6000. 
'Fhey can be reached at tlennis@schafIuetzekorg or *1* 

Paper Money * July/August • WhoSe No. 256 


The $100,000 Errand: Banking in 1941 

Washington, DC 

By R. Logan Talks 

Washingcont D.C. in 1923. He grew up there and attended 
Central High School graduating in June 1941. He later joined the 
Na^y and heeame a pilot during and after the war was sta- 

tioned on the aircraft carrier US.S. Bnumr. 

Immediately after graduating From high school, and before he joined 
the Navy, he was employed in his first full time joh, at age 18, by 
\A^ishingcon Loan and Trust located at the corner of F Street and 9rh Street m 
Washington, DC* Years later this bank was to become a part of the Riggs^ 
National Bank. This building is now a Marriott hotel, but much of the forliierJJ 
bank features can still be seen. The original bank vault, with ids massive r6iy)dy 
vault door, can be viewed in the basement and is now a special fimction dining 
room as part of the MarriotFs basement restaurant. The Washington 
Tmst name can also still he seen on the building above the Marriott^s entrance 
canopy. htr-L 

Aly father was hired as a Runner which was an enciy level positionytft 
the bank. As a Runner his duties included hand deli veering messages to vari^js 
business clients of the bank, running errands, and, when he wasnY busy ’wi: 
errands, helping out in the proof department. He worked Iroin 9:00 am to 5:5^- 
pm Monday to Friday and 9:00 am - 2:00 pm on Saturday, He was paid a salar^ 
of SIS per week. He also received a free lunch, along with all other bank^"^ 
employees, in the seventh Floor bank cafeteria that was operated exclusively for 
bank employees. If he had to stay late and work after 6 pm he was given 75 cents 
for dinner* T 

To me the most interesting part of liis job were the errands he did for 
the bank. At least once a week Ills job was to pick up $100,000 in cash from die^iy ": 
Treasury building. When funds from the Treasury were needed the HMd y. 

Teller, Mr. Cain, would request a' 
letter from Mr. Fisher, one of the 
bank C3ftlcers, My Father would take 
this letter and ride to the Treasur}-^ 
Building with Clarence, who was 
employed as the bank's Driver* 
Clarence was an older man and a 
long time employee of tlie bank. 
Clarence would drive my Father 
wherever he needed to go around 
WAishington For all of his errands. 

On the occasions when he 
had to pick up $1 00,000 a guard from 
the bank would also ride in the 
bank's car with Clarence and my 
father. Although the guard was 
armed he did not actually transport 
the money. \Mien the $100,000 was 
requested in small bills my father car- 

Robert W* Talks in the U.S. Navy 


July/August - Whole No, 256 - Paper Money 

The heritage of the Washington Loan & 
TrusI is still visible on the ofd Riggs 
National Bank marquee behind the 
present hotel awning. 

riecl the money in n large black Ixig, Frequently, 
how'ever, the S 1 00,000 w^s re quested in Si 1 ,000 
and on those occasions my father would 
merely carry the one hundred Si, 000 bills in his 
coat pocket! 

My father picked up Si 00,000 in cash 
in this manner at least once a week during the 
18 months he was employed by the Washington Loan and Trust. That 
$100,000 that he carrietl in 1941 would exceed $1,000,000 in terms of today’s 
purchasing power. And this responsihility was entrusted to an 18 year t)UI 
young man in his first job out of high school! 

On a few occasions, while in the Treasury building, my father met and 
got acqimintetl with a treasury employee who was responsible for handling all 
the obsolete large size hills that were sdll being removed fi*oni circulation in 
194L She showed him the old large size notes that had been removed from cir- 
culation and hail been sent lo her from many banks around the countn\ She 
offered to let him “buy” as many as he wanted at face value. On nvo or three 
occasions my father “bought” a few old large size notes totaling SI 7.00 in face 
value. For this he paid $17.00. 

Among the note.s he bought were one each of the $1, $2, and $5 1896 
Fducationai series Silver Ortificates. Me also bought several $l 1899 Silver 
Certificates, with various signature comhinations; including one of the earlv 

Paper Money * July/August • Whole No. 256 


series notes with the series date (irintetl l)y the ri^ht serial nunil)ei\ A few 
United States Notes were also purchased including a $2 1862 Laiited Stares 
Note. Although rny hither no lunger has these notes 1 rejnemher rheiii well and 
they \\ ere in nice circulated condition - most of them graded V ery Fine except 
for the $2 1862 note that t\as in UG/Fine condition. 

Ac the rime he purchased these notes they were niorc of a novel t)- to 
my father as he was not a collector. The opporrunit}^ tf) oliiain any old large 
size notes at face value would be a collectuis dream today. At the time, howev- 
er, the Si 7.00 that my father exchanged for these notes was more than a week’s 
salar\‘ so it represented a real investment. 

I find it fascinating to speculate what other notes may have been avail- Times change. The massive bank vault is 
able at that time for face value from this source at the 'rreasuiy. The fact that now a specialty dining room, 
he was able to obtain all three denominations of the 1896 Kducadonal Series, 
and a S2 1862 Legal Tender note, is evidence that some very nice notes were 
available. Likely there were National Bank Notes and Gold Certificates as well 
as Lhiited States Notes and Silver Certificates available as well. One can onh' 
speculate about what scarcer signature combinations, star notes, rare Nationals 
or other aq^es that would have also been there at that time. All of these would 
be highly prized by collectors today. 

The hanking business was simpler and more trusting in 1941 than it is 
today. The e.xperience and responsibility that niy father hath at the age of 18, of 
transporting so much cash is hard to com|>reheiid by today's standards. I lis 
opportunity to buy scarce large size notes at hice value is the stuff that collec- 
tor’s dreams are made of. *** 


July/ August * Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 



Frank Clark 


P.O. Box 1 17060 
Carrollton, TX 

SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 03/31/2008 
These memberships expire 12/31/2008. 

12258 Michael L. Hicks, 5808 Rawson Ln, Pensacola, 
FL 32503-7703 {C, Paper and Poly Bank Notes), 
Paper Money Values 

12560 Jason S* Miller, 112 Washington PLace Unit 
16G, Pittsburg, PA 15210 (C, British Commonwealth 
and India), Webiste 

12567 T,V, Welo, PO Box 20S, Pure! vs, NY 10578-020S 
(C, Twos), BNR 

12568 Joseph Dunn, PO Box 10528, Davtona Beach, FL 
32120 (C, US Large & Small), Website 

12569 Gregory W, Martin, 4316 Danor Dr, Reading, PA 
19605 (C (& D, US Large & Fractional), Website 

SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 05/04/2008 
These memberships expire 12/31/2008. 

12570 Robert L. Ditchey 11, PO Box 236L Arlington, 
VA 22202 (C. Arizona & Pennsylvania Nationals), 
Lowell H or wed el 

12571 Sandy Roman (C), Website 

12572 Gary A, Boyer, 457 SW 100th St. Oklahoma 
City, OK 73139 (C. US Small & Sheets), Website 

12573 Neal Worden (C), Paper Money Values 

12574 Benjamin K. Webb, 4207 Albans, Hoiistin. TX 
77005 (C, Texas Paper Money), Tom Denly 

12575 Bill Gunther (C), Website 

12576 John Eyman (C), Jason Bradford 

12577 Jeff Liford (C), Jason Bradford 

12578 Robert McNally fC), Jason Bradford 

12579 Cathy LaPoint (C), Jason Bradford 

12580 Han Moeljadi (C), Jason Bradford 

12581 Obdulio Gonzalez (C), Jason Bradford 

12582 Richard Larson (C), Jason Bradford 

12583 Don Fagan (C), Jason Bradford 

12595 David Shmukler (C), Jason Bradford 

12596 Michael Boyd (C), Jason Bradford 

12597 Arthur Broniszewski (C), Jason Bradford 

12598 Karen Morin (C), Jason Bradford 

12599 Richard Hammond (C), Jason Bradford 

12600 David Mullin (C), Jason Bradford 

12601 Jeffrey Miner (C), Jason Bradford 

12602 Vurt Prebe (C), Jason Bradford 

12603 Linh Do (C), Jason Bradford 

12604 Timothy J, Landolfo (C), Frank Clark 

12605 David F. Noyes (C), Tom Denly 
126D6 Janies Kallas (C), Website 

12607 D. Parker (C), Frank Clark 

12608 Ralph Scipioiie (C & D), Website 

12609 Tim Daum (C), Website 

12610 David Stevenson (C), Website 

12611 Alan Tonguette (C), Website *> 


Money Mart ads can help you sell your duplicates, advertise your want list, ' 

increase your collection, and help you have more fun with your hobby. * 

Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! * ^ 


Additional charges apply for longer ads; see rates on page opposite -- Send payment with ad " 

Take it from those who have found the key to "Money Mart success" j 

Put out your want list in "Money Mart" ! 

and see what great notes become part of your collecting future, too. j 

(Please Print) | 


ONLY $20.50 / YEAR ! ! ! (wow ) 


Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 




must stand In awe of the work of superb craftspeo- 
ple* These would be amazing if folded from plain paper^ 
but I am astonished at how the printed designs are used 
for features* Look closely,” — MH 


July/August • Whole No. 256 “ Paper Money 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No, 256 


All /iin'/df ion /mill 

The New Hampshire Currency Study Project 


are involveO in a long-term 
project to describe the history 
of all currency issued in the 
State of New Hampshire, as 
well as to compile a detailed 
registry of all known notes 
(wdiether for sale or not). Our 
area of interest ranges from 
early colonial times through 
tlie Rex^olutionary era, the 
state-chartered bank years 
( 1 792- 1866), and the era of 
National hanks (1863-1935). 
'Fhis will result in a book 
under the imprimatur of the 
Society of Paper Money 
Coliectors, with helji from the 
New Hampshire Historical 
Society, the Smithsonian 
Institution, and others. 

A pun from the 

Dtivui M. is preskient of 

Littleton Coin Conipimy ami 
Q. Dnvhi Bowers is a prindpai of 

Numismatic iiimtk% LLC, 
anti twth advertisers in the present 
book. For other commercial 
transactions and hnsiness, refer 
to those advertisements. 

llti' [J/ iJpi' it lii/c 

of 1W2 iV-flinini( JtiriJr fRtrn 
Uiwr f )iTT]i‘ Wni' { 


y////Mf/ #ne Jkijar 

A fSTJiVijJ JVn 
NciHf, liiw 

Sfil /iRih'Pi fnnu till' 

>erio\u. mj:p 

jjj , */. 

UiL'i jiiiiii' icjI^ wm'J fui (In' UViR'In^ri'P Brtnli i irij UVmlit'sJ'iTiVRfiijriri/ finrit 

I f you have New Hampshire currency or 
old records or correspondence relating 
to the same, or other items of historical 
interest, please contact us. In addition, 

Bowers and Sundman are avid collectors 
of these bills and welcome contact from 
anyone having items for sale. We will pay 
strong prices for any items we need! 

Vi$il titi'Nil Cmtvmy Sirntj- f K'li’W'PiJii iim'Ro'+niH. J mint 

i*t Ni'ei' Ullmp^lii^l’ /Mirb liinr issunJ t-WfitVity, nuiti >r(iii/Flr iiriil irijjj-f. 

We Irmk fui ward to hctiritt" from ijou! 

tik new Hampshire Cukrency Study 

liox S39, Wdifeboro l-atls. NH 03896 

L-tna i I: in ftK^ nli currency, coni nimr h iw tv fimnmktl lo ktiU iuututrsj 


w' w vv, II he u rrc n c y , com 

JulyyAugust * Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


• ///// 

K258627 :* ^ 



ger than ever! We have been cherrypicking certified notes for 
their eye appeal, brightness of colors, excellent margins, and 
overall appearance, with an emphasis on popular designs and 
types, many of which are featured in 100 Greatest American 
Currency Notes by Q. David Bowers and David Sundman. 

We are constantly adding to inventory but most items 
are one-of-a-kind in our stock; therefore we suggest you 
visit our website and call immediately to make a purchase. 

Receive our paper money magazine, the Paper Money 
Review, This fiill color publication highlights paper money 
in our inventory, as well as articles and features about this 
fascinating collecting specialty. To receive your copy send 
us an invoice of a previous paper money purchase. Or, if 
you place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or 
more you will receive the Paper Money Review AND a per- 
sonally autographed copy of 100 Greatest American Currency 
Notes with our compliments. 

Check out our offering today. 

Want Lists Accepted! 


C? /YY/’ i/z/Y'.; In at //tr C' ^//y*////yo ry 

C'}/) yj/mrr/y/ C/j(nth (jitltmt 

We are pleased to announce the ongoing sales of 
the greatest hoard of bank-note printing plates, dies, 
and other material ever assembled. The American 
Bank Note Company (ABNCo) was formed in 1858 
by combining seven of the most important bank 
note engraving firms then in business. Hundreds of 
printing plates and other artifacts were brought into the 
merger, and survive today. To these are added many 
other items made by ABNCo from 1858 onward, a 
museum quality selection. In sales in 2007 Stack’s will 
continue to bring to market hundreds of bank note 
printing plates, vignette dies, cylinder dies, and other 
anifacts, each unique. These items are so rare that most 
numismatic museums and advanced collectors do nor 
have even a single vignette die, cylinder die, or plate! 
If you would like to have more information, contact 
us by mail, phone, fax, or on our website. This is an 
absolutely unique opportunity! 



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July/August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Collecting Confederate Paper Money 

Better Attribution, Grading, and Value^"^ 


Alexandria, La. Issue Wookey Hole Mill watermark 

Award-winning author and collector/dealer Pierre Fricke is helping collectors of Confederate paper money 
build type, rare variety and contemporary counterfeit collections. I’ve owned and helped others acquire: 

• 3 of the 5 known T-59 J Green and Son watermarked notes 

• 43 inverted backs and many of the known examples of the ‘‘Great Rarities” 

• Complete collections of Wookey Hole Mill and J Whatman watennarked notes 

• A complete plen error (e.g., T-43 1-10 error) set and complete collections of T-lOs, T-26s and T-33s 

• Many T-21 and T-24 “NY” watermarked notes and Non-Collectible (NCs) rare Confederate notes 

• Getting started collections, type, contemporary counterfeit, T-39, 40 and 41 specialty items too 

Pierre Fricke; P. O. Box 52514; Atlanta, GA 30355 ; 
Buy * Sell * Auctions * New Varieties * Provenance 
Email or write to get your rare notes in the Census! 

T-23 PF-1 

Paper Morrey • July/August ■ Whole No. 256 

— 311 



IVe «re (/le RiVfecy Co/fcefioii 




P.O, Box 28339 
Ssin Diesio,CA 92198 
Phone: 858-679-3350 
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> Large size type notes 
Especially Five’s and FRBN's 

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> Easy to sort database 
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July/August • Whole No, 256 • Paper Money 

Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


Obsolete paper money of St. Joseph, Florida 

By Ron Benice 

Editor^s Note: This year SPMC member Ron Benice debuted his acclaimed, 
award-winning Florida Paper Money: An Illustrated History, 1S17-1934 
(McFarland, 2008), which he shared his thoughts about at our annual SPMC 
Author's Forum at Memphis, TN recently, Ron's book catalogs hundreds of 
Florida obsoletes never before seen. In the past he has shared his scholarly 
research in these pages on Florida Civil War notes and other issues- For the 
edification of all SPMC members, he has allowed Paper Money to excerpt a 
small portion of his book in these pages. Information on the book is elsewhere. 

St. Joseph 

St. Joseph was a short-lived town with an interesting history. In 1835 the 
Supreme Court ruled that Panton, Leslie & Co. owned the Apalachicola lands. Many 
residents of Apalachicola chose to form a new city, St. Joseph, 28 miles away rather 
than pay. To compete with Apalachicola as a cotton port, the Lake Wimico and St. 
Joseph Canal Company was formed to open an alternate route from the river. When the 
dredged route proved too shallow, a 30-mile bypass railroad was built via another new 
town, lola. The boom town of St. Joseph hosted the Florida Constitutional Convention 
in 1838. In the summer of 1841, a yellow fever epidemic caused most residents to leave. 
In September 1841, a hurricane wiped out the town. On February 27, 1842, the Niles 
Register reported: “A gone city — The city of Apalachicola has bought out the city of St. 
Joseph, and hereafter all the business of the latter is to be united with that of the for- 




I K t 

Commercial Bank of Florida 

Unauthorized branch of Commercial Bank of Florida in Apalachicola. 

The plates from Apalachicola #s 18, 19 and 20 were re-engraved with St. Joseph 
substituted for Apalachicola. Imprinted Chas. Toppan & Co. Phila. 

1. $5 Washington; boy with sickle, steamboat, boy; Jackson R7 

2. $10 Standing Indian, Sailboat, Standing Washington E7 

3. $20 Justice, Sailboat, Sailboat, Justice R7 


July/August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

The plates from Apalachicola #s 21, 22 and 23 were re-engraved with St. Joseph 
substituted for Apalachicola. Imprinted Draper, Toppan, Longacre & Co. Phila. & NY. 
Authentic signatures are William Patrick and J. C. Maclay with dates in 1836 and 1837 
written in. In 1847, long after the parent bank had failed and St. Joseph had vanished, 
remainder notes were released with 1847 dates and fictitious signatures. 

4. $5 Portraits of Washington, Marshall, Fulton and Franklin R5 

in the corners, sailboats center 

4A. authentic signatui'es 
4B. fraudulent signatures 
5. $10 same 4 portraits, steamboat 
5A. authentic signatures 


(,.//,// /////// //////_ Z/z//// 


j ////// 

//zT/z/^/ //■/// 

oB. fraudrdent signatures 
6. $20 same 4 portraits, sailing ships 
6A. authentic signatures 
6B. fraudulent signatures 


Paper Money • July/August • Whole No. 256 


/> ///yy/z - /v/ /?//// ///// ' 

/y j //a i.) ////y ^ 


f Y^d'l 

7. $100 standing female, allegorical commerce, Ceres standing 


Merchants & Planters Bank of Florida 

This bank was created in Tallahassee by reviving the charter of the failed 
Merchants and Planters Bank at Magnolia. This roundabout method was required since 
Congress had taken away the right of the territorial legislature to charter new banks. 
St. Joseph was a branch location. 

Bank notes with imprints Rawdon, Wright & Hatch New-York and Rawdon, 

Wright, Hatch & Edson, New Orleans. 184 imprinted for date. After St, Joseph failed, 

some remainder notes had “Tallahassee” written over “St. Joseph.” 

8. $1 silver dollar, Hebe pouring drink for eagle, train 

' m>:;:b.cb:.awts 



( s! 



9. $2 Commerce, cotton plant 



July/August • Whole No. 256 - Paper Money 

/y//Mj // //r/// ji ^ / /Z//:j /, 

^ /' /?///? /^ ^ // /// ////////V 


Corporation of Saint Joseph 

Notes with 183 engraved and signature spaces for Clerk and Mayor. 

11. Q'Ai seated woman, steamboat and sailboat, man smoking pipe 

12. 12Vit same as preceding 

The Corporation of Saint Joseph 

PTOmise to pay to Uit Bearer 

Twelve and a Half Cents. 



13. 12!4^ standing woman, woman in farm scene, rowboat and sailboats 

f 'lerk. w , 

The Corporation of Saint Joseph 

Promise to pay te the Bearer 

Twelve and a Half CentK. 

St, Josr^ph^ 183 

14. 12!4$i Indian with tomahawk, steam engine, standing woman 



Paper Money • July/August ■ Whole No. 256 


15. 25(^ same as 14 

16. oOyi same as 13 

Notes with 184 engraved and signature spaces for Clerk and Mayor. 

Imprint; Juls. Manouvrier & P. Snell Litliogr. N. Oris. 

17. no vignette. Large denomination counters in top corners 

IS. large denomination counters at left border and top left & right 

19. 25^ cotton bales and sailboat 

20. sailing ships 


/// wnat/ M A., fir.iosi:i*n 

21. 75^ steamboat 








22. $1 early railroad train R7 

The section on SU loseph rn the book continues with the notes of Lake Wimico and St, Joseph Canal & Railroad 
Company -Editor. *** 


July/August ■ Whole No. 256 * Paper Money 

Paper Money Albums 

E arly staaip albums facilitatfd coui-crrixc; 

by encouraging hobbyists to fill in empty squares with the 
appropriate stamp. In the 1930s , as T recajl, the intros-liiction 
of carti board coin boards with the same technique, caused a 
huE^e growth in coin collecting. The Paper Money hol>hv 
does not need any motivators today, as evidenced hy the 
ti'emendoiis price appreciation going on; however; the album 
idea can increase die enjoyment of the hobhy enormously. 

In the early 1970s, T recall cbai Dick Balbatcsn and a cou- 
ple of other New England guvs puldisbetl three ring hintler 
'‘Doric” album pages for U.S. small size currency. Hie re was 
one OF more note sized oudines with a title on each page and a 
black & VVTite photo of the note. 'I bus there were individual 
pages for United States Notes, (red seals), rederal Reserve 
notes, (green seals) and Silver C]ertificaces, (blue seals etc).. 
'Eh ere were tivo pages for the 192H series Gold C A-rii ficate.s. 
There were also pages for the VVW II notes of I lawaii and 
North Africa ant] the cxjieriincnial R 
& S notes. [ bought sonic of these 
pages (still have some arouiul here 
somewhere) and used them to put 
together an UNC type set of small 
size notes. Hie heaut\ of these pages 

was that they could be shown tf) people by simply earn ing the 
album around; or used as exhibit pages in an e.xliibit case or by 
simply laying them fiat on a table, Wlien I exhibited these at 
local coin shows they always generated interest. 

At that time 1 recommended several improvements to the 
pages, along with ideas for additiona] pages. Ff>r example, in 
addition to including spaces for all denominarions of each 
series; create type note pages. So, there would also have been 
a single page for the 1928 series Silver Certificates anti a single 
page for the 1928 Gold Certificates, etc. In atltlition to an 
appropriate title, there would be text e,\plaining the ntitc 
series, applicable legislation, etc. Mid a color illustrarion of an 
example of each tyqie. In this manner a collector could assem- 
ble an easily exhibited type collection in any desired grade. 

The same technique can be usetl for large size tyqie notes. 
There is much information available from catalogs and the 
internet on legislation, and the economic issues Ijchind the 
notes. Color photos are available everywhere and with a com- 
puter and scanner it is easy to create your own album pages. 
This can apply to Nationals, type notes or obsolete notes by 
bank or location. Other additions to such album pages can 
include contemporary post card photos of the banks (many old 
bank buildings still survive) and photos of the bank officials 
who signed the notes. One could also add checks anti drafts to 
a collection and exhibit. This will allow you to continue col- 
lecting your specialty area long after \ ou have exhausted the 
suppU of available notes. d1us is a great way to collect and 
show t>ff your collcetion. The three ring sn Ic allows easy 
changes as new photos or notes arc added. So, get starred on 
chat collection book you will eventually leave behind. 





L AS'C year we ILAN a special book SEC'nOX 

with reviews of significant, recent paper iiioney hooks. 
1liis time artnind wc highlight recent paper money schol- 
arship in a different manner. In this issue you find applica- 
tions of several colleagues' research in various fields of interest 
presented as articles. These hopefully will whet the pallets of 
readers and scml them racing to the respective authors' larger 
works. Books by Ron Ben ice, Tom Carson and Dennis 
Schafluetzel, Cicne Hessler and vours truly are tcarll^e^l. 

I'he range of paper money research is truly ascoundingn 
.'Vny attendee at our annual Memphis Authors Forums cannot 
help but find some tojiic of personal interest addressed by an 
expert. I am presently making arrangements for our fifth 
annual Authors Forum, and preparing the printetl program. 
This year is no exception. SPMC members are cop notch! 

Those committed this y ear incliitle Rob Kravitz, who has 
preparetl a jiricing update to his comprehensive hook on U.S. 
Postage and Fractional Currency. Also featured are Ron 
Benicc, who discusses his opus on Florida ohsoletes (an 
excerpt of which you find in this issue); and Pierre Ih ickc, who 
has published bis “field guide” tf) Confederate paper money, 
an updated car rv-a long companion to his massive tome on 
that subject, y hich revolutionized collecting C^S.-V varieties. 

Scott Lindquist and John Schwartz detail their neu est 
St^Nniard Gitiilt* ttt Sm/fll-S/zc LLS. Paper Moaey, Bill 
Erandimore describes his work on Krause’s Stamianf Catalog of 
US. Paper Moiuy. "I'om Carson and Dennis Schafluetzel pre- 
sent their e-hook on Idmesscc scrip, and the new vistas made 
possible hv electronic colIahoratif)n on the worldwide web. 

Mtjre detail on the get-together will be published In a 
fiiturc issue of Paper Moaty, hut any reacler can enjoy the fruits 
of these fine gentlemen’s labors from his/her armchair bv pur- 
chasing their books. .All are highly recommended. 

It doesn't eiid there folks. .Vly “Back Page” mate Steve 
Wliirfickrs definitive book on Kansas paper money is at the 
publisher, .McFarland. Neil Shafer's collaboration on panic 
scrip is nearing com |) led on. Eric Newman’s newest take t)n 
early U.S. currency is nearing printing stage. .Vly own Ixjok 
on every thing Lincolniaiia is in the home strctcli, and a second 
edidtm of my encased stamp book is on the hoards. Others': 
You tell me. Wc want to fostei your work. 

Willi t a wonflerful time to he collecting paper. Research 
has never been more accessible via internet, microfilm pdf. 
einajl collaboration, and o tiler forms of electronic (.lata 
retrieval, accumuiation, and flisseminntion. I leek, colleague 
Fom Cars(^^3n’s job is “electronic workflow and knowledge 
managcmeiu,” rhatsoun[.ls pioneering tome! *1* 

Paper Money * July/August * Whole No. 256 


Buying & Selling 

Quality Collector Currency 

• Colonial & Continental Currency 

* Fractional Currency 

* Confederate & Southern States 
Currency • Confederate Bonds 

• Large Size & Small Size Currency 

Always BUYING All of the Above 
Call or Ship for Best Offer 

Free Pricelist Available Upon Request 

James Polis 

4501 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 306 
Washington, DC 20008 
(202) 363-6650 

Fax: (202)363-4712 
E-mail: Jpolis7935@aolcofn 
Member; SPMC, FCCB, ANA 



Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of PAPER MONEY 

The first 1 2 issues. Larry Adams, Curator, Higgins Museum 
& Library, PO Box 258, Okoboji, Iowa 51355 

712-332-5859 or 515432-1931 
email: ladamst^' 


Write nboul your specialty for Paper Money 
Articles on checks, bonds, stocks 
Always wanted 

Our SPMC lournal exists Eo fulfill our iiiaiidale 
to promote education in all these fiscal paper areas 
So spread your knowledge around to our members 

Are you planning a show? 

Would you like to have free copies of Paper 
Money magazine 
to distribute to attendees? 

Contact Bob Cochran 
1917 Driftwood Trails Drive 
Florissant, MO 63031 







7379 Pearl Rd. #1 
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808 


join the American Society of Check Collectors 
hltp://[.com/asccinfo or write to 
Lyman Hensley, 473 East Elm St., Sycamore, IL 601 78. 

Dues are 513 per year for US residents, 

517 for Canadian and Mexican residents, 
and $23 lor those in foreign locations. 


July/August • Whole No. 256 • Paper Money 

Littleton Coin Company • Serving Collectors /or Over 60 Years 

Selling your collection? 
Call Littleton! 

Y OU Ve worked hard to build your paper money 
collection. When it's time to sell, you want a 
company that's as thorough and attentive as you are. 

At Littleton, our team of professionals is ready to 
offer you expert advice, top-notch 
serv'ice, and a ver\' strong cash 
offer. See why collectors like you 
have rated this family-owned 
company so highly. Call us at 
l-SOO-581-2646 and put 
Littleton's 135-I- years of combined 

WANTED: All - Lejitil Tenders, 

buyi ng experience to work for you ! silm CAni/icm. Nnuomts, 

Tedernl Reserve Notes and more. 

7 Reasons you should sell to Littleton... 

1 Receive top dollar for your collection - 5 


2 Quick turnaround - accept our offer G 

and we'll send you a check the ver\' same day 

3 Single notes to entire collections 

4 Deal with a company that has a solid reputation ^ 
built from more than 60 years of service 

You can rely on our professionals for accuraq’ 
and expert advice 

Why travel? Send us your collection, or if it's too 
large and value requires, we'll come to you - 
call for details 

Lach year we spend over S15 million on coins 
and paper money - isn't it time for your check? 

Maynard Sundman David Siindman lim Reardon Butch Caswell Ken Weslover Josh Caswell 
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Contact us; 

Toll Free (800) 581-2646 
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Bank of America 

Dun ^ Bradstrect #01-892*9653 

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Oyer 60 Years ojFnendly Setvice to Collectors 


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CHINGOETHE = Frederick Forbes Angus 


COLl. ECTION ^nd other fine Numismatic Properties 



" St fl 

iiBft a\r 



;jC5V) y // ////Vr// /// 4 , • 

/ 1 ////rZ //h 


//A J 

iZ^l J 

/^/-fr/zf/r /y/yt y/i/yay/yfy/ f'yy /Ar C1447745 

. ermsitrp 0 | ]|i4Jtiijrii i^tttrs. 

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July 15th, 2008 • new york 

July 16-17, 2008 • new york 

Every Schingoethe sale brings new rarities to the market. The July sale 
features over 1000 lots of the highest quality obsolete bank notes including 
many proof notes and western selections. Among the highlights are a $2 and 
$5 Kirtland Safety Society reissue notes both signed by Brigham Young. This 
summer sale, Part 1 5 of this groundbreaking collection, continues the 
tradition of exceptional rarities and choice notes from the North, South and 
Midwest, including many pieces from Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, 
Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. 


Spink Smythe spares no expense in producing the finest quality all-color catalogs, 
lb order your catalogs please contact us at 800-622-1880. Additionally, the 
entire sale - complete with high resolution scans and detailed descriptions 
will be posted on our website. 

We are pleased to oflFer selections from the collection of Frederick Forbes 
Angus. Ihe collection includes many Confederate rarities including T I -T4 
Montgomery issues, two Indian Princess notes and other key pieces. The 
collection also features a wide range of top quality U.S. Federal and National 
bank notes many of which have been off the market for over 20 years. The 
auction will also offer fine properties from assorted collections. 


2 Rector St., 12th FI. 

New York, NY 1 0006 


800 - 622-1880 


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Whether you are selling a few extra notes from your holdings, or a 
comprehensive collection built over decades, you can maximize your 
profits at our Central States auction. Our printed catalogs and online 
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Bidders trust our catalog descriptions and our full-color images. 

Heritage is currently accepting consignments for our Signature 
Auction to be held at the Central States Numismatic Society 
Convention in Rosemont, IL. To include your currency collection 
in this important auction, please contact a Consignment Director 

We invite your consignments and bidding participation in our upcoming 
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214-528-3500 . FAX: 214-443-8425 • e-mail: 
IL Auctioneer license: Robert Korver 441.001421. 

This auction subject to a 15% buyers premium.